BACAČ ČUNJEVA I NAŠ NAJSTARIJI SPOR- TISTA U TOKIJU, Željko Dimitrijević (50), osvojio je srebrno odličje, pošto je u finalu zauzeo drugo me- sto sa bačenih 35,29 metara, što je njegov najbolji rezultat u karijeri. Kao 19-godišnji mladić sa invali- ditetom, bez roditelja, oporavljao se kod tetke na Ho- molju i posle deo mladosti proveo u gerontološkom centru u Aleksincu, dobitnik je državne Zlatne meda- lje za zasluge, zanimao se šahom i još nekim stvari- ma. A onda je po prelasku u Beograd otkrio atletsku disciplinu prilagođenu osobama sa vratnim povreda- ma i cerebralnom paralizom, bez osećaja u prstima. – Čunj je drvena sprava, a pošto ne možemo da pokrećemo prste, mi koristimo lepak, kao i rukome- taši. Međutim, na niskim temperaturama taj lepak dobija drugo svojstvo i kida kožu… Išla je krv na krv, kada nezarasle rane postanu još dublje, jer mora da se trenira. Dešavalo mi se da padnem u nesvest od napora u teretani. Mnogo toga treba da bi se dosti- gao vrhunac – rekao je Dimitrijević.
DOMINACIJU STRELACA POTVRDIO JE LA- SLO ŠURANJI, KOJI JE bio srebrni u disciplini puš- ka trostav u klasi SH1, a imao je i čast da ponese srpsku zastavu na zatvaranju Paraolimpijskih igara. – Bilo je veoma teško, to je ugao koji ljudi ne vi- de. Sve ove pripreme i treninzi bili su baš naporni, ali izgleda da smo nešto dobro uradili. Ovo je veliki uspeh za celu našu ekipu – izjavio je Šuranji. THE DOMINANCE OF SERBIA’S SHARP SHOOTERS WAS CONFIRMED by Laslo Šuranji, who won silver in the 50m rifle three positions disci- pline, SH1 class, and had the honour of being Serbia’s flagbearer for the closing ceremony of the Paralympics. “It was very tough, which is an angle that people don’t see. All these preparations and training were real- ly draining, but we seem to have done something good. This is a great success for our whole team,” said Šuranji. ŽELJKO DIMITRIJEVIĆ (50), A CLUB THROWER AND SERBIA’S oldest competitor in Tokyo, won silver by securing second place in the final with a throw of 35.29 metres, representing his career best result. As a 19-year- old living with a disability and without parents, he spent time recovering at his aunt’s home in the Homolje region, then later spent part of his youth at the gerontology cen- tre in Aleksinac. As a recipient of the national Gold Medal of Merit, he developed an interest in chess, among other things. Then, upon moving to Belgrade, he discovered this athletic discipline that’s adapted to people with neck in- juries and cerebral palsy, who lack feeling in their fingers. “The club is a wooden device, and because we have no movements in our fingers, we use the kind of glue that’s used by handball players. However, this glue’s properties change at low temperatures and it tears the skin… It was blood on blood, with the unhealed wounds becoming even deeper because one has to train. It happened to me that I fainted from exertion in the gym. A lot is required to reach the top,” said Dimitrijević. Laslo Šuranji
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