Nobel za Martina Lutera Kinga 14. OKTOBAR 1964. 14 TH OCTOBER 1964
NOBEL PRIZE FOR MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. African American civil rights leader Dr Mar- tin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. At the age of 35, the Georgia-born minister was the yo- ungest person to ever receive the award. Dr Martin Luter King Mlađi, lider u bor- bi za građanska prava Afroamerikana- ca, dobitnik je Nobelove nagrade za mir zbog svog nenasilnog otpora rasnim predrasudama u Americi. Sa 35 godina sveštenik rođen u Džordžiji bio je najmla- đa osoba koja je dobila ovu nagradu.
FOTO: / Courtesy Everett Collection / Everett
14. OKTOBAR / 14 TH OCTOBER 1994
PULP FICTION REVOLUTION STARTED It was on 14 th October 1994 that writer-director Quentin Taranti- no’s Pulp Fiction, a crime drama featuring multiple storylines and a large ensemble cast that included John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis and Harvey Keitel, opened in cine- mas. Made at a cost of less than $10 million, Pulp Fiction earned more than $100 million at the box office and was also a huge criti- cal hit, winning the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival and ear- ning seven Academy Award nominations, including Best Pictu- re. Some critics have called Pulp Fiction, which spawned a slew of imitators, the most influential movie of its time. It contained su- ch Tarantino trademarks as clever dialogue, graphic violence and numerous pop-culture references. The film is also credited with reviving John Travolta’s career. Počela je Pulp Fiction revolucija Tog 14. oktobra 1994. u bioskopima je prikazan Pulp Fiction režisera Kventina Tarantina, krimi-drama sa više priča i veli- kom glumačkom ekipom. Tu su, između ostalih, Džon Travol- ta, Uma Turman, Semjuel L. Džekson, Brus Vilis i Harvi Kajtel. Snimljen za manje od 10 miliona dolara, Pulp Fiction je zara- dio više od 100 miliona na bioskopskim blagajnama i takođe postao omiljen kod kritike, osvojivši Zlatnu palmu na filmskom festivalu u Kanu i sedam nominacija za Oskara, uključuju- ci onu za najbolji film. Neki kritičari su Pulp Fiction , koji je iz- nedrio mnoštvo imitatora, nazvali najuticajnijim filmom svog vremena. A tu je sve ono što će ostati karakteristično za Ta- rantina – pametan dijalog, eksplicitno nasilje i brojne referen- ce na pop-kulturu. Film je takođe zaslužan za oživljavanje Tra- voltine filmske karijere.
104 | Oktobar » October
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