OSCAR WILDE BORN Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin, grew up in Ireland and went to England to attend Oxford, where he gradua- ted with honours in 1878. He wrote delightful fairy tales for his children that were published in 1888. And it was in 1890 that his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, was published serially, appearing in book form the following year. His plays, including The Importance of Being Ear- nest (1895), proved successful and made him a popu- lar and well-known writer. He died of acute meningitis in Paris in 1900. Rođen je Oskar Vajld Oskar Vajld rođen je u Dablinu. Odrastao je u Irskoj i otišao u Englesku na Oksford, gde je sa odličnim uspehom diplomirao 1878. Za svoju decu napisao je divne bajke, objavljene 1888. Dve godine kasni- je stiže njegov jedini roman Slika Dorijana Greja , a potom i niz drama, među kojim je bila i Važno je zva - ti se Ernest , što mu donosi status popularnog i pri- znatog pisca. Umro je u Parizu od akutnog meningi- tisa 1900. 16. OKTOBAR / 16 TH OCTOBER 1854
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22. OKTOBAR / 22 ND OCTOBER 1964
Sartr dobija i odbija Nobelovu nagradu
SARTRE WINS AND DECLINES NOBEL PRIZE Jean-Paul Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature on 22 nd October 1964, but he declined the prestigious award. He refused the award because he considered that a writer who ac- cepts political, social, or literary positions must act only with the help of his own means – i.e., the written word. All honours that he accepts expose his readers to pressure, which he did not consider desirable. “If I sign as Jean-Paul Sartre, that’s not the same as Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Laureate. A writer must there- fore refuse to allow himself to be transformed into an institution, even if that happens under the most honourable of circumstan- ces, as in this case.” Dana 22. oktobra 1964. Žan-Pol Sartr dobija Nobelovu nagra - du za književnost, koju odbija da primi. Nagradu je odbio jer je smatrao da pisac koji prihvata političke, društvene ili knji- ževne pozicije mora delovati samo pomocu sredstava koja su njegova – to jest pisanom reči. Sve počasti koje primi izlažu njegove čitaoce pritiscima, koje nije smatrao poželjnim. „Ako se potpišem kao Žan-Pol Sartr, to nije isto kao Žan-Pol Sar- tr, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade. Pisac stoga mora odbiti da do- zvoli sebi transformaciju u ustanovu, čak i ako se to dogodi pod najpovoljnijim okolnostima, kao u ovom slučaju.“
October » Oktobar | 105
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