Elevate October 2021 | Air Serbia





PRVI AVION U BOJAMA NOVE SRPSKE nacionalne avio-kompanije – A319, pod imenom Novak Đoković , poleteo je 26. oktobra 2013. iz Beograda za Abu Da- bi. Tim prvim letom između prestonica Srbije i Ujedinje- nih Arapskih Emirata simbolično je uspostavljena no- va uzdanica srpskog komercijalnog vazduhoplovstva – Er Srbija . Te 2013, 24. oktobra, jedan od popularnih simbo- la Jata – poslovnica kod Crkve Svetog Marka, sveča- no je otvorena u novim bojama, pod novim imenom i novim brendom – Er Srbija . Dan kasnije, na svečano- sti u velikom hangaru JAT tehnike , Er Srbija je i zvanič- no predstavljena javnosti u prisustvu najviših državnih predstavnika, da bi 26. oktobra poleteo Novak Đoko- vić . Novak je prvi avion koji je imenovan u okviru progra- ma Žive legende , koji ima za cilj da oda priznanje po- jedincima iz Srbije koji su briljirali na svom polju i čija su ostvarenja u skladu sa brendom i vrednostima Er Srbije. Do sada su letelice dobile imena po najboljem tenise- ru, košarkašu Vladi Divcu, fudbaleru Dejanu Stankovi- ću, zvezdi srpskog i evropskog glumišta Predragu Mikiju Manojloviću i muzičkom superstaru Goranu Bregoviću. Od te 2013. pa do sada glavni grad Srbije povezao se sa gotovo čitavim svetom. Nema dileme da i ovaj ro- đendan nacinalna avio-kompanija proslavlja u atmos- feri uspeha i napretka, radujući se novim dostignućima i novim zadovoljnim putnicima, uprkos svim izazovima i teškoćama koje pred nas stavlja pandemija.

IT WAS ON 24 TH OCTOBER IN that fateful year of 2013 that one of the popular symbols of its predecessor JAT – the branch office near Belgrade’s St. Mark’s Church – was ceremoniously opened with new colours and under a new name and a new brand: Air Serbia. Just a day later, at a ceremony held in the large han- gar of company Jat Tehnika, Air Serbia was officially pre- sented to the public, with the highest state representa- tives in attendance, only for the Novak Đoković plane to take off on 26 th October. Novak was the first plane to be named within the scope of the airline’s Living Legends programme, which is intended to pay tribute to individu- als from Serbia who have excelled in their field and who- se achievements correspond with the Air Serbia brand and values. Aircraft have to date been named after the aforementioned top tennis player, basketball legend Vla- de Divac, football ace Dejan Stanković, Serbian and Eu- ropean acting star Predrag ‘Miki’ Manojlović and music superstar Goran Bregović. The Serbian capital has been connected with almost the entire world since 2013. And there’s no dilemma over whether the national airline is celebrating this birthday in an atmosphere of success and progress, looking forward enthusiastically to new achievements and new satisfied passengers, despite all the challenges and difficulties that are still being imposed on us by the pandemic.

U ovoj godini, u kojoj je kompanija obeležila 93 godine od prvog komercijalnog leta (15. februar) i 94 godine tradicije (17. jun), obeležava se i osmi rođendan Er Srbije (26. oktobar) During a year when this airline has celebrated 93 years since its first commercial flight (15 th February) and 94 years since the establishing of its tradition (17 th

June), it is also celebrating the eighth birthday of its latest incarnation as Air Serbia (26 th October)

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