Nikolu Ivkovića, kapetana Tri pitanja za... Zašto moramo da stavimo telefone na re- žim letenja? – Raspostranjeno je mišljenje da postoje dva ra- zloga za postavljanje telefona na režim letenja, oba u vezi sa komunikacijom. Iako nije dokazano, prvi je potencijalni uticaj na komunikaciju posade avio- na sa kontrolom letenja. Drugi razlog jeste moguć-
Three questions for...
Nikola Ivković, captain
Why do we have to set our phones to flight mode? “There is a common opinion that there are two rea- sons for setting phones to “flight mode”, both of which are linked to communication. Although not proven, the first is the potential impact on communication between aircraft crew and flight control services. The
nost uticaja aktivnih signala iz vazduha, koje emituju te- lefoni, na mrežne signale na zemlji. Letite na ATR-u. Ko- je su njegove predno- sti, s obzirom na to da ga ljudi uglavnom ma- nje vole? – Kao mladom pilotu zna- čilo mi je što je moj prvi su- sret sa civilnom avijacijom bio na avionu ATR-72. Od brojnih prednosti ovog aviona mogao bih da istaknem njegovu eko- nomičnost. Pretpostavljam i razumem da neki putnici iz su- bjektivnih razloga manje vo- le letenje ovim avionom, me- đutim, kao pilot ATR-a mogu reći da je izuzetno bezbedan i pouzdan. Koji vam je najuzbud- ljiviji deo leta i zašto? – Prema mom mišljenju, najuzbudljiviji deo leta je sam izlazak aviona na poletno-slet- nu stazu i postavljanje sna-
second reason is the possibility of active signals from the air, which are emitted by telephones, impact- ing on network signals from the ground.” You fly an ATR. What are its advantages, considering that people generally don’t like this aircraft as much? “As a young pilot, it meant a lot to me that my first encounter with civil aviation was on an ATR- 72 plane. Among the many advan- tages of this aircraft, I could high- light the fact that it’s economical. I presume and understand that some passengers, for subjective reasons, don’t like flying aboard this plane as much, but I can say, as an ATR pilot, that it is extreme- ly safe and reliable.” What is the most exciting part of a flight for you and why? “In my opinion, the most exciting part of the flight is the plane’s departure onto the run- way and increasing the power to
ge potrebne za poletanje. Verujem da je razlog u izraženoj dinamičnosti te faze leta, osećaja ubrza- nja, kao i zbog trenutka odvajanja aviona od polet- no-sletne staze.
the level required for take-off. I believe that the rea- son lies in the pronounced dynamism of that phase of the flight, the feeling of acceleration, as well as the moment that the plane separates from the runway.”
Najuzbudljiviji deo leta je sam izlazak aviona na poletno-sletnu stazu, osećaj ubrzanja i trenutak odvajanja od zemlje The most exciting part of the flight is the plane’s departure onto the runway, the feeling of acceleration and the moment that the plane separates from the ground
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