Elevate October 2021 | Air Serbia


FOTO: Mitar Mitrović

Hodočašće bogovima misli i reči Sajam knjiga važan je datum u godišnjem kalendaru sva- kog domaćeg pisca. Naravno, i izdavača i čitalaca. Svojevr- sno je raskršće na kom se svi susrećemo da bismo razme- nili pozitivnu energiju i iskustva, što čitalačka, što autorska. Jer i sami pisci su pre svega – čitaoci. Ne možete pisati knji- ge ako ih ne čitate. Mada, ima i takvih „pisaca“... Sajam je zato praznik, izdavači, kao što je opštepoznato, uvek svoja najnovija i najbolja izdanja tempiraju za Sajam, mnogi pisci insistiraju da im se baš u tom terminu pojave knjige, a čitaoci spreme spiskove i ušteđevinu da bi obno- vili svoje biblioteke. Svima je dobro, jer dele istu radost. Ra- dost čitanja, pisanja, druženja... Iako se mi, pisci, srećemo sa čitaocima u toku godine na promocijama, književnim ve- čerima, društvenim mrežama, susreti na Sajmu su neza- menljivi i jedinstveni. Osim toga, na Sajmu se pisci druže jedni sa drugima, a pošto ne živimo svi u Beogradu, mnogi od nas žive i neg- de daleko, u rasejanju i inostranstvu, onda su ti susreti još dragoceniji i zanimljiviji. Druženja koja se tada dese, na štandovima i u promotivnim prostorima, ali i kasnije, u kafa- ni, uz čašicu razgovora, prepričavaju se kao anegdote, a neretko tokom njih zaiskre i razne ideje. Tako da sam ja lično na Sajmu „otkrio“ i „ugovorio“ strip adaptaciju svojih roma- na, trilogiju o Stefanu Nemanji i još neke druge stvari... Sajam je zato veći od svih nas, to je fešta, svetkovina, ho- dočašće bogovima misli i reči, koje ne zahteva veliko žrtvo- vanje, ali donosi veliku nagradu. Bilo da se ona meri ljudima ili knjigama. Što je možda i najbitnije, jer svako od nas je kao knjiga, manje ili više otvorena, pročitana ili nepročitana.


The book fair is an important date in the annual calendar of every domestic writer. And, of course, both publishers and readers. It is a kind of crossroads where we all meet to exchange positive energy and experiences, both those of readers and authors. That’s because the writers themselves are first and foremost readers. You can’t write books if you don’t read them. Although there are also those kinds of “writers” ... That’s why the fair is a holiday, why publishers - as is common knowledge - always “time” their latest and best editions to be released for the fair, why many writers insist that books appear at that time, and why readers prepare lists and savings to renew their libraries. Everyone feels good, because they share the same joy. The joy of reading, writing, socialising... Although we writers meet readers throughout the year, at promotions, literary evenings and through social networks, meetings at the Fair are inimitable and unique. Apart from that, writers also hang out together at the fair. And given that we don’t all live in Belgrade, and that many of us live in some distant places, in the diaspora and abroad, then these meetings are even more precious and interesting. The socialising that happens then – at the stands and promotional spaces, but also later, in the taverns, with a glass of conversation – is recounted as anecdotes, and often sparks various ideas. That’s how it came to be that it was at the fair that I personally “discovered” and “arranged” a graphic comic adaptation of my novels, a trilogy about Stefan Nemanja and some other things... That’s why the fair is bigger than all of us; it’s a festival, a feast, a pilgrimage to the gods of thoughts and words, which doesn’t demand many great sacrifices, but brings a great reward. Whether that is measured in people or books, which is perhaps the most important – because each of us is like a book, more or less open, read or unread.


Dejan Stojiljković pisac/writer

Iako se mi, pisci, srećemo sa čitaocima u toku godine, susreti na Sajmu su jedinstveni Although we writers meet readers throughout the year, meetings at the Fair are unique

24 | Knjige » Books

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