Elevate July 2018 | Air Serbia


Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up


DRAGAN VESELINOVIĆ Da li ste ikada morali da čekate neku zaljubljenu osobu, kao što se dešava u mnogim američkim filmovima? – Osim što znam da je u našim avionima bilo prosidbi i što sam bio svedok rastanaka i susreta zaljubljenih parova, nisam učestvovao u filmskim ljubavnim scenama. Jednom davno sam sportskim avio- nom čestitao rođendan zaljubljenoj devojci. Zašto nema više žena pilota? – Piloti su dugo školovani u pilotskim državnim školama, gde su traženi samo muškarci. U poslednjih dvadesetak godina taj se pristup promenio, pa sada ima sve više žena među pilotima. Šta kažete ljudima koji se plaše letenja? – Ljudima koji se plaše letenja uz osmeh kažem da za to nema razloga. Najgore što može da se desi je da se avion vrati na aero- drom sa kojeg je poleteo, ili da uopšte ne poleti dok se vreme ne poboljša ili dok se kvar ne otkloni. Nijedan od ova dva razloga ni- je za strah. Može doći do turbulencije zbog vetrova ili oblaka, koja, izuzev što je neprijatna, nije opa- sna. To je isto kao vožnja au- tomobilom po neravnom putu. Osmesi na lici-

Kiosci za samostalno pri- javljivanje putnika na let Er Srbije su u funkciji. Gostima su na usluzi ambasado- ri koji im pomažu prilikom prijavljivanja na željeni let. FOTO - VEST

Kiosks for self-check-in of Air Serbia’s guests are available now. Guests are helped by ambassadors who assist them to check- in for desired flight.

Aerodrom dobitnik priznanja Najbolje iz Srbije 2017. AIRPORT WINNER OF THE BEST OF SERBIA 2017 AWARD A erodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd dobitnik je prizna- nja Najbolje iz Srbije 2017. u kategoriji za najbolji korporativni brend među velikim uslužnim pre- duzećima. Nagradu koju dodeljuje Privredna komora Srbije u saradnji sa Ministarstvom trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, Aerodrom Nikola Tesla Beograd osvo- jio je treću godinu uzastopno. Nagradu je primio Saša Vlaisavljević, v. d. generalnog direktora Aerodrom Ni- kola Tesla Beograd . U akciji Najbolje iz Srbije do sada je učestvovalo više od 1.800 brendova.

ma pilota i stjuarde- sa najbolje govore da nema mesta strahu od letenja. Have you ev- er been delayed due to some be- sotted person, as happens in many American films?

- Apart from the fact that I know there were wed- ding proposals on our planes, and that I’ve witnessed couples breaking up and getting together, I’ve

never participated in film-style love scenes. Long ago I once used a light sport aircraft to give a birthday greeting to a girl in love. Why aren’t their more female pilots?

- Pilots were schooled for a long time in state pilot schools that only sought male students. In the last twenty years that approach has changed, so now there are ever more women among pilots. What do you say to people who are afraid of flying? - To people who are afraid of flying, I say with a smile that there’s no rea- son to be. The worst thing that can happen is for the plane to be forced to re- turn to the airport of departure, or for it not to take off at all until the weather improves, or until any malfunction is fixed. None of these reasons are enough to cause fear. Turbulence can occur due to winds or clouds, which – despite be- ing unpleasant – is not dangerous. That’s the same as driving a car along an un- even road. The smiles on the faces of pilots and cabin crew best testify to the fact that there’s no place for any fear of flying.


elgrade Nikola Tesla Airport won the “Best of Serbia 2017” Award in the category of the Best Corporate Brand

among major service companies. The award, presented by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, was won by Nikola Tesla Airport for the third consecutive year. The prize was received by Saša Vlaisavljević, acting General Manager of Nikola Tesla Airport. To date, more than 1,800 brands have partici- pated in the “Best of Serbia” campaign.

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