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VODIMO VAS U GRČKU Grci tvrde da je njihova zemlja najlepša na sve- tu. I ne samo zato što su patriote već zato što je taj komad planete koji im je pripao zapravo trebalo da ostane samom bogu. Grci su se malo uspavali ili za- pili, šta li je već bilo, pa su zakasnili na sastanak na kojem je bog delio zemlju narodima. Kad su Grci na kraju stigli, ostalo je samo najlepše parče koje je bog prvobitno namenio sebi. Sažalio se ipak na vesele Grke i poklonio im Grčku, za koju, eto, kažu da joj premca nema. Iako je to samo mit, kao toli- WE’RE TAKING YOU TO GREECE Greeks claim that their country is the world’s most beauti- ful. And that’s not only because they are patriots, but because the piece of the planet that they occupy was actually meant to have been reserved for God himself. Because the Greeks slight- ly overslept or drank a little too much, whichever was the case, and were late for the meeting at which God divided the earth among the nations. When the Greeks finally arrived, only the fin- est pieces were left, which God had initially intended to keep for himself. However, he felt sorry for the happy Greeks and so he gave them Greece, which is why they say it has no equal. Despite this only being a myth like
Er Srbija za Atinu leti 15 puta, a za Solun 14 puta nedeljno Air Serbia flies 15 times a week to Athens, and 14 times a week to Thessaloniki
ki kojima obiluje istorija te zemlje, mnogi koji su posetili domovinu Sokrata i Platona složni su da se ovoj legendi nema mnogo šta os- poriti. Teško je uopšte izabrati ostr-
the many others that enrich the history of this country, many people who have visited the homeland of Socrates and Pla- to agree that there is little that is ques-
vo koje bismo preporučili za letnju destinaciju, jer ima ih tako mnogo i toliko su sva lepa da je nemoguće iza- brati. Ima svega za svakoga – zelenih poput Kefaloni- je, mondenskih kao što je Mikonos, začaranih, vulkan- skih poput Santorinija. Dalekih kao što je Krit ili onih koje je proslavio neki film poput Skopelosa ili Skijato- sa. Ne treba zaboraviti sve čari Halkidikija, žive Kasan- dre, mirne Sitonije i duhovnog Atosa, kao ni sve pred- nosti popularne regije pod Olimpom. Zato vi lepo razmislite, izaberite ono što vam se naj- više dopada, sedite u avion i dođite u Zevsovu postojbi- nu. Er Srbija leti do Soluna i do Atine, pa ćete lako oda- tle dalje stići do bilo koje željene destinacije.
tionable about this legend. It is difficult for us even to choose an island to recommend as a summer holiday destination, as there are simply so many of them and they are all so beautiful that it is impossible to pick one. There is a bit of everything for every- one – green like Kefalonia, worldly like Mikonos, enchanting and volcanic like Santorini, distant like Crete or those celebrated by film, like Skopelos or Skiathos. We also shouldn’t overlook all the charms of Halkidiki, the lively Kassandra, tranquil Sithonia and spiritual Atos, nor all the advantages of the popular region be- neath Mount Olympus. That’s why you should consider carefully, select what you like the most, board a plane and come to Zeus’s homeland. Air Serbia flies to both Thessaloniki and Athens, and from there you can easily reach any other Greek destinations.
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