Američka R&B i soul diva, moćni glas koji stoji iza planetarnog hita Wish I didn’t miss you , Endži Sto- un, nastupiće 1. jula prvi put u Srbiji u sklopu Musi - cology Barcaffè Sessions na teniskim terenima na Kalemegdanu. Dva dana nakon koncerta u Beogra- du ona će zapevati i na slovenačkom izdanju Musi - cology Barcaffè Sessions u Ljubljani 3. jula. Tri puta nominovana za Gremi, uz četiri albuma ko- ji su ušli u top 10 R&B albuma i jednim koji je zavr- šio na prvom mestu, sa više od 1,4 miliona albuma prodatih u SAD i pet miliona prodatih širom sveta, Endži Stoun se sa pravom može nazvati jednim od najznačajnijih ženskih izvođača. Muzikom je počela da se bavi uz oca, koji je pevao u gospel kvartetu, što je veoma uticalo na njen stil i jedinstveni izraz koji će je godinama kasnije proslaviti širom sveta.
– Nismo imale baš nikakvih problema. Bile smo be- be za sve njih i tako su nas tretirali – zaštitnički. Dolazite sa pločom koja se zove „San“. Šta novo donosi album? – Reći ću sasvim iskreno – bila sam gotova s muzikom. Odustala sam. Bila sam ubeđena da je ljudima dosta Endži Stoun, da su me se za- sitili. Nisam mogla da nađem ni zrno radosti u svom poslu. A onda me je pozvao Volter Milsap i rekao da mu je Bog poverio zadatak da po- mogne Endži. Nagovarao me je dugo i na kra- ju sam pristala. Pronašao je sjajan projekat, poslao me je u studio, snimili smo gomilu ma- terijala, nije prošlo mnogo i Stivi Vonder je po- nudio da pusti pesme na svojoj radio-stanici… Ostalo je istorija…
Prvi put pevate u Be- ogradu i Ljubljani. Kakva su vam oče- kivanja? – Veoma sam uzbuđena, mada ne znam šta tač- no da očekujem. Nadam se da ću videti mnogo prijateljskih lica u gomi- li, lica koja su željna do- brog soula. Ja ću se sva- ko truditi da ispunim vaša očekivanja.
Njena karijera je lansira- na prvim solo albumom Black Diamond 1999. godine, a koji je ušao u prvih deset najprodava- nijih R&B albuma. Vaša karijera počela je u ben- du „The Sequen- ce“. Kako je bilo ženskoj grupi u muškom hip-hop svetu?
male group in the male-dominated world of hip-hop? -Wedidn’thaveany problems whatsoever. We were babies for all of them and that’s how they treated us - protectively. You arrive with an album called Dream... What novelties does this album bring? - I’ll tell you completely honestly – I was done with music. I’d given up. I was convinced that people had had enough of Angie Stone, that they’d been saturated by me. I couldn’t find even an ounce of joy in this business. And then I got a call from Walter Millsap, who said that God had entrusted him with the task of helping Angie. He pestered me for a very long time and, in the end, I agreed. He found a great project, sent me to the studio and we recorded a bunch of material. It wasn’t long be- fore Steve Wonder offered to play the songs on his ra- dio station... The rest is history... You are performing in both Belgrade and Ljubljana for the first time. What are yo- ur expectations? - I’m very excited, though I do not know exactly what to expect. I hope to see lots of friendly faces in the crowd – faces who desire good soul. I will certainly try to fulfil your expectations.
An American R & B and soul diva whose powerful voice is be- hind the planetary hit
“Wish I didn’t miss you”, Angie Stone made her first ap- pearance in Serbia on 1 st July, performing on the ten- niscourtsofKalemegdanFortresswithintheframework of the Musicology Barcaffè Sessions. Two days after her Belgrade concert, on 3 rd July, she also performed in Lju- bljana for the Slovenian edition of the Musicology Bar- caffè Sessions. Nominated three times for Grammy awards, with four albums that have ranked among the Top 10 R&B albums and one that topped that chart, and with over 1.4millionalbumssoldintheU.S.andfivemillionworld- wide, Angie Stone can justifiably be dubbed one of the most significant female performers. She began dealing with music alongside her father, who sang in a gospel quartet, which had a great influence on her style and unique expression that would years later lead to her be- ing celebrated around the world. Her career took off with her first solo album, Black Diamond, in 1999, which ended up among the top ten best-selling R&B albums. Your career began with the band The Sequence. What was it like to be a fe-
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