Kultura je ono što se traži od srpske prestonice, i to ne samo u sadržaju već i objektima za tu namenu Culture is that which is sought of the Serbian capital – and not only in terms of content, rather also in facilities intended for that purpose
Yag, Mitke from the play Koštana... He also gave a masterful performance as Leone in the play Messrs Glembay by Miroslav Krleža, one of the best Yugoslav writers, for whom theNationalTheatrededicatedamonograph in reverence. Another great that cannot be overlooked is Borislav Mihajlović-Mihiz, who “deconstructed” Nušić with the dramatiza- tion of his “Autobiography” and in whose name the prize for the best Serbian drama writer was established. The laureates, as the list confirms, look up to Mihiz, but also oth- er greats like Jovan Sterija Popović, Vladimir Velmar Janković and others... The repertoire of this most impor- tant Serbian theatre is today so crammed that it is seeing the appearance of “ticket touts” – the ticket reseller types typical to rock concerts. Applied in the atmosphere of the National Theatre, this custom rep- resents the growing popularity of elite art, for which this institution is an excellent rep- resentative. Thus, the needs of three ensembles again exceed the current resources availa- ble. That’s why plans to construct a new Dra- ma stage in the immediate vicinity are be- ing relaunched. The existing cumbersome glass and metal structure that destroys the harmony of Republic Square will soon be replaced by a complex facility, complete with a drama stage, but also galleries, mu- seums and cinemas. - Construction of the new building of the National Theatre represents a commit- ment in terms of civilisation to the citizens of a metropolis of millions of inhabitants, but is also the basis for a long-term solu- tion to the problem of providing sufficient space for the artists of our national thea- tre, as well as all other creative minds of Belgrade and Serbia, says Savić. The responsibility to civilisation men- tioned by Savić is a reference to the fact that Belgrade, which was once a “big vil- lage”, has grown remarkably and now has the opportunity to offer itself to countless tourists. Culture is that which is sought of the Serbian capital – and not only in terms of content, rather also in facilities intended for that purpose, which we can dub tem- ples of the arts. And here the supreme de- ity, at least in this anniversary year, is the National Theatre.
ponovo nadilaze trenutne resur- se. Zato se ponovo pokreće plan izgradnje nove scene Drame, u ne- posrednom komšiluku. Nezgrapni objekat od stakla i metala koji na- rušava sklad Trga republike usko- ro će biti zamenjen kompleksnim objektom sa dramskom scenom, ali i galerijama, muzejima, bio- skopima. – Izgradnja nove zgrade Na- rodnog pozorišta predstavlja civi- lizacijsku obavezu prema građani- ma višemilionske metropole, ali je i osnov dugotrajnog rešenja pro-
blema prostora za umetnike na- šeg nacionalnog teatra, kao i sve ostale stvaraoce Beograda i Srbi- je – navodi Savić. Civilizacijska odgovornost koju pominje Savić odnosi se na fakat da je Beograd, to nekada „veliko selo“, dobrano narastao i da je sad u prilici da se ponudi bezbrojnim turistima. Kultura je ono što se traži od srpske prestonice, i to ne samo u sadržaju već i u objektima za tu namenu, koje možemo zvati hramovima umetnosti. A tu je vrhovno božanstvo, bar u go- dini jubileja, Narodno pozorište.
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