I t can really be difficult to describe a place that is not only, beautiful but also has some- thing in its scents, something in the feeling that overcomes you while you stand in that place, saying nothing and just absorbing it all. And you don’t know precisely what it is that you feel, which is why it’s tough to convert your im- pressions into words. That’s how I was for me at first on Ulcinj’s Long Beach. An anchored wood- en sailing boat with an old man aboard, a café without a single guest, and a piano sonata play- ing from speakers. A look that you release won- dering if the view will ever return to you, as you’ve turned your eyes towards a stretch of more than 12 kilometres of sandy beach splashed by shal- low seas, with waters that break into many thin waves, somehow like an ocean, somehow like Af- rica. And nothing can disturb that perfect balance, except birds chirping from on high, so it seems to you that you’re all alone in the world. Our host, the charming Armend Milla from the Ulcinj Tourist Organisation, says that this isn’t only the case because we’ve come before peak season. Quite simply, this beach is so large that you can always find a corner where you’ll be com- pletely alone – provided you don’t count seagulls. But you can find part that boils with adrenaline, because the beach is known for attracting lovers of kiteboarding and all kinds of sports requiring wind. Along those parts, the sky is coloured with para- chutes, and the people scream with excitement. - Climatic conditions here are ideal for sports. The Maestral wind starts blowing al- most every day around noon and stops at dusk,
We sit in a car; we’re going a kilometre fur- ther to the spot where a beach bar has nestled. In front of it are canopies and deck chairs, qui- et music playing, food and cold drinks. To the left there’s nobody. To the right there’s nobody. Ahead is just the vastness of sea. It’s like a dream from which you don’t want to awaken. But we are awoken by our host, who urges us to move on, as the Old Town and Miguel de Cervantes are awaiting us. Yes, that very same Spanish writer who created Don Quixote. And who did so, al- legedly, right here in Ulcinj. Now, this story begins with a pirate. Spe- cifically, Ulcinj has always been known as a pi- rates’ hideaway, a place from which those pi- rates that weren’t from the Caribbean set out to plunder the ships of Venetians, Spaniards, Turks. As this beautiful Old Town is among the oldest in the entire Adriatic coastal re- gion, for 2,500 years it has testified to the coming and going of many civilisations The Maestral wind starts blowing almost every day around noon and stops at dusk. Lovers of kiteboarding and windsurfing come here from all over the world, because the conditions are perfect suton. Ljubitelji kajtinga i vindsurfinga ovamo dolaze iz celog sveta, jer su uslovi savršeni Gotovo svakog dana oko podneva počinje da duva maestral i prestaje u
waning with the day. Lovers of kite- boarding and windsurfing come here from all over the world, be- cause the conditions are per- fect – Milla tells us.
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