Elevate July 2018 | Air Serbia

Nađite samo svoje mesto pod suncem

Find your

place under the sun

se samo prikrade Neverin, tako zove- mo taj vetar koji dođe niotkuda i na- pravi kratak, ali efektan haos − smeje se Mašan i objašnjava da čovek mora da zna kako da se ponaša na moru i da ne sme da se plaši. − Važno je pre vožnje brodom la- gano doručkovati, ne opterećivati sto- mak, jer čak i ako su mali talasi nekome može da bude muka. Tada treba gle- dati okolo u zelenu obalu, a ne u brod ili more – priča naš kapetan, inače di- plomirani inženjer pomorstva, i šaljivo kaže da se njemu ne ljulja brod, nego zemlja kad se iskrca posle celodnev- nog boravka na moru. Nama je za sada dobro, lagano nas talasi ljuljuškaju dok prolazimo pored uvalica u kojima je more zeleno kao smaragd. Ima ih nekoliko na potezu od Mogrena do Jaza, posle kojeg se brodićem stiže na Trsteno ili Ploče. To su divne plaže, ali do njih možete i automobilom, pa kažemo Mašanu da krene ka Svetom Nikoli. Odmah posle stene koju zovu Školjić nalazi se div- lja plaža, na kojoj gotovo da nema ni- koga. Tačnije, skoro nikoga, jer iznad nje kruže jata lastavica! − Ostrvo Sveti Nikola i Sveti Stefan su jedina mesta u Crnoj Gori gde se u ovolikom broju gnezde primorske la- ste, koje stvaraju taj nezaboravan zvuk na moru. Desi se kad je loše vreme da nam se ugnezde ispod tende broda. Nikad ih ne diramo, pustimo ptiće da stasaju i odlete ka Svetom Nikoli – pri- ča Mašan. Laste su nas lagano dovele do dru- ge strane ostrva, gde smo ugledali tu čuvenu plažu Pod murvom (Pod du- dom) predivno mesto, poznato i po od-

Mašan immediately offers us the chance to choose whether we want to make the trip on a classic fishing boat – his favourite ‘Or- ca’ - or his ‘Moby Dick’, a lower, faster and more modern vessel. We choose the second option and head out to sea, which on this morning has resolved to show us its calm, peaceful side. - When you head out to sea, all the wor- ries that burden you on the shore simply disappear. Like it or not, the sea transports you to another world that has no stress, only endless peace. People who live from the sea know what kind of passion and love that is. The sea is our second home. Sometimes you head out and don’t catch anything. There are tough days, but the sea always repays you and gives you as much as you need. That, but also everything I know about the sea, was taught to me by probably the best fish- erman in this area, Zoran Racanović, the man who revealed the skills of fishing to all of us, explains Mašan enthusiastically. I trust him, because the sea is as calm and beautiful as a mirror, but I wonder what hap- pens when the sea turns wild, when waves rise – then it certainly isn’t such a nirvana ... - The sea is capable of being cruel, but that rarely happening during summer in these tourist destinations we’re touring. Sometimes the Neverin just sneakily appears, which is the name we give to that wind that just appears out of nowhere and causes short but effective chaos, laughs Mašan, explain- ing that a person must know how to behave at sea and mustn’t be afraid. - It is important to eat a light breakfast before a boat ride, not to overburden the stomach, because even small waves can make some people feel sick. We should look around at the greenery on the shore when that happens, and not look at the boat or

F ollowing our visit to Ulcinj’s Long Beach, on the recommendation of PC Morsko Dobro Director Predrag Jelušić, we had no dilemma about continuing to visit his favourite beaches in Montenegro. Among others, he said that one of his favourite beaches is ‘Under Mulber- ry’ in a place called Hawaii or Sveti Nikola island, opposite Budva, so it was clear that we needed to acquire a boat and check out the kind of treasures hidden in those secret coves that can only be accessed via the sea. And who better to help us in this than my friend Mašan Ivanović? A man who aban- doned Belgrade to return to the land of his ancestors,andwhohasnowspentmorethan a decade fishing during the winter and lead- ing tourists on boat tours during the summer.

Kapetan Mašan Ivanović i Mobi Dik


Mašan Ivanović and Moby Dick

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