K oga put nanese u ove krajeve, pa poželi da vidi nadaleko čuveno čudo prirode, odmah će pri- metiti da tu nisu čista posla. Kako pođete od glavnog prilaza, krivudava staza će vas uvući u šumu, a ona će vas odmah uzeti pod svoje. Bez sum- nje će vas obuzeti nekakva čudna jeza jer se svud nao- kolo iz obližnjeg Crvenog vrela prelivaju kao krv crveni
A nyone who finds themselves in these parts and wants to see this well-known wonder of nature will immediately note that something’s not quite right here. As you head away from the main approach, a winding path will lure you into the forest, and the forest will immediately take you into its possession. You will undoubtedly be overcome by some strange shivers, because all around you flow blood-like red streams ema-
potoci. Sve izgleda kao da ste u nekom čudnom snu, a ne u malenom mestu na jugu Srbije. Moguće je da baš zato selo Đake ime nosi po albanskoj reči „gjak“ (krv). Zapravo, ove vode, koje lagano oti- ču u Žuti potok, pune su gvožđa, koje im daje tako vatrenu boju. Taman kad se priviknete na okoliš, skoro niotkuda, na strmini izvan šume, pred vama se stvore drevni gorostasi. U dve jaruge, Đavoljoj i Paklenoj, ugleda- ćete zemljane statue van vremena i pro- stora. Povući će vas nešto da se što pre popnete uz krivudave stepenice do vi- dikovca na kosini, da što bliže priđete tom čudu. I zapitaćete se sigurno da li je to delo prirode ili je sam nečasti- vi umešao prste.
nating from the nearby Red Spring. It all seems as though you’re in some strange dream, and not a small place in the south of Serbia. It is possible that this is why the village of Đake is named after the Albanian word gjak (blood). In actuality, these wa- ters that gently flow further into the Yellow Stream are filled with iron, which is what gives them such a fiery colour. And just as you’ve grown accustomed to the environment, almost out of nowhere, on the slopes beyond the forest, ancient giants form in front of you. In two gullies, Devilish and Hellish, you will see earthen statues that seem beyond time and space. You will be drawn by some force to climb the winding steps to the viewpoint on the slope as soon as possible, in order to get as close as pos- sible to this wonder. And you will certainly won- der whether this is a work of nature or if the un-
Nadomak Kuršumlije, u selu Đake, leži varoš širom sveta poznata po drevnim gorostasima, zemljanim figurama van vremena i prostora, koje kao da je stvorila neka neobjašnjiva sila In the vicinity of Kuršumlija, in the village of Đake, is a ’town’ known around the world for its ancient towers, earthen figures beyond time and space that seem to have been formed by some inexplicable force
Koga god u okolini da pitate, ispričaće vam da su nekada davno tu živeli skromni, mirni, veri privrženi stanovnici. To je smetalo đavolu, pa im je spremio naročitu vodu kako bi zaboravili na rodbinske od- nose. Pošto su je popili, omamljeni meštani rešili su da venčaju brata i sestru. Ovaj đavolji plan po-
holy himself intervened. Whoever you ask in the area will tell you that this place was once home to modest, peaceful, God-fearing inhabitants. This dis- turbed the Devil, so he prepared the special water in order for them to forget about their familial relations. After drinking it, the enchant- ed locals decided that a brother and sister should marry.
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