Elevate July 2018 | Air Serbia

the product that they will present in the Eu- ropean final. - Our bracelet with QR code is designed for the quick and effective administering of first aid. The QR Code contains informa- tion on the medical condition of the per- son wearing it and how untrained layfolk can assist prior to the arrival of healthcare professionals. Nemanja adds that they came upon this idea while listening to their friends who have chronic health problems, but also on the basis of their own experiences. - I suffer from diabetes and, although I can live normally with this illness, I would like to be sure that in any unfortunate situ- ation I will be approached by an unknown person who will know how to respond by reading the code on the bracelet. I would similarly like to help someone in distress by monitoring their personalised first aid instructions. When it comes to some of the school- children’s companies that won at the local level, several of them are worth mentioning: The Technical School of Vlasotince, which produced knitted mobile phone cases; the Svetozar Marković Gymnasium School from Niš, which produced scented candles with different coloured flames; the Bora Stank- ović Gymnasium School from Niš, which in 2015 came up with a mass for ecolog- ical graphite out of which moss grows, the First Kragujevac Gymnasium School, which in 2017 presented a special framework for beehives that collects and processes infor- mation, then makes it available to beekeep- ers via an application…

da reaguje očitavanjem koda na na- rukvici. Isto tako bih želeo da i sam pomognem nekome u nevolji tako što ću pratiti personalizovana uput- stva za prvu pomoć određenoj osobi. Kada je reč o kompanijama koje su pobeđivale na lokalnom nivou, treba pomenuti samo neke: Tehnička škola iz Vlasotinca, koja je proizvodila plete- ne futrole za mobilne telefone, Gimna- zija Svetozar Marković u Nišu, koja je proizvodila mirišljave sveće sa plame- nom različitih boja, Gimnazija Bora Stanković u Nišu, koja je 2015. osmi- slila masu za ekološke grafite iz kojih izrasta mahovina, Prva kragujevačka gimnazija, koja je 2017. predstavila po- seban ram za košnice koji prikuplja, obrađuje informacije i kroz aplikaciju ih čini dostupnim pčelaru…

Nemanja Matić je za narukvicu zainteresovan i zbog toga što boluje od dijabetesa Nemanja Matić is also interested in the bracelet because he’s suffering from diabetes

YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT The honour of organising the 29 th European competition was giv- en to Serbia, or the organization ‘Junior Achievement’ – Serbia’s national member of the global network of Junior Achievement Worldwide, which was founded in 1919 in the U.S. and today com- prises 123 members from all continents. - The true value of the Junior Achievement education programme is that it teaches students to think beyond their current situation, to be open to change and to feel ready to face the future. We want them to participate actively in all segments of contemporary life in order to increase their employment possibilities and advance the entrepreneurial spirit, says Junior Achievement Serbia Execu- tive Director Darko Radičanin.


Nakon kondominijuma Central Gar - den i Voždove kapije renomirana izraelska kompanija Shikun & Binui Group na Novom Beogradu gradi stambeni kompleks Wellport . Inve- sticija od 130 miliona evra će tržištu ponuditi 500 stambenih jedinica, od studija do petosobnih stanova. Kondominijum će se nalaziti odmah uz prvi poslovni park na ovim pro- storima – Airport City Belgrade , u neposrednoj blizini spomenika kul- ture – hangara koji je projektovao čuveni Milutin Milanković. Na istoj lokaciji u Ulici Tadije Sondermajera otvorena je i prodajna kancelarija u okviru koje je pokazni stan. Wellport svojim stanarima nu-

di, osim ekskluzivne lokacije i sa- vremene arhitekture, i dva najve- ća tržna centra u regionu koja su u komšiluku, kao i škole, fakultet, re- storane, kafiće, biciklističku stazu uz reku… Wellport je osmislio svetski priznat izraelski arhitekta Rami Wimmer, a stanarima će pružiti premijum kvali- tet gradnje, recepciju i obezbeđenje 24 h svakoga dana u nedelji, profe- sionalno održavanje, video-nadzor, garažu, kartični pristup. Ekskluzivna prodaja poverena je vodećoj konsultantskoj kući za ne- kretnine u Srbiji, CBS International , koja je deo Cushman & Wakefield grupacije.

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