Ne mislim da je materinstvo najveća dimenzija, iako joj se često tako pristupa. Meni je najvažnije biti dobar čovek I don’t think motherhood is the highest dimension, even though it is often approached as such. For me the
most important thing is to be a good person
you share notes and emotions. He was won- derful. Thanks to that love and the strength it still gives me, I am able to be in the place where I am. And I still want to be here. Has the maturity of years come as a relief to you? - I’m curious and aware where I live. At the same time, I keep my island with the people and moments that are dear to me. There are even fewer people who have their own world and follow their own path. But there is no excuse that times are tough. All times are tough. Youhavealotofcharismaanden- thusiasm, as though you’re just starting out. Where does that co- me from? - When I discover that I marked part of the lives of some people with my songs that cheers me up and touches me. It would be too much for me to expect my career to last for another 50 years. It will be enough
- Gains and losses I accept as part of life. After Karlo’s death, people close to me asked whether I would be able to continue living in every sense. I told them that I would of course live. Things happen because they must happen. I accept that and I fight; I don’t give myself to mon- sters. Living is tough. You’ve lived your whole life in your native Zagreb. Was that your choice or a result of cir- cumstances? - I live in the Zagreb neighbourhood of Srednjaci. I’ve lived in my hometown all my life because that’s what I want, and I was able to choose. I’m modest and nor- mal. I’m not a snob; I abhor primitivism. One should be dignified and stylish. I’ve never played the big star and, for exam- ple, waited for neighbours to acknowl- edge me first. I chat very nicely with my neighbours when we meet.
for someone to remember me for my songs when I’m in another dimension. I enjoy the fact that my very existence on the stage in- spired some people, acted as their guidance, invisible support... That with songs I can help them and brighten their day. And that again and always I remain myself. What makes you happy? - I find happiness in the little things and my ability to recognise beautiful moments. I hope good news always comes after bad news. There are a lot of happy moments near us, we mustn’t miss out on them. As the lyrics of one of my songs goes:“What happiness is now I know, every encounter with him. His breath on my face...” For example, meeting with people is my happiness; that is signifi- cant. Sharing emotions with the audience... Those are hours of life itself. And when things aren’t as you would want, where do you find comfort?
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