Elevate March 2017 | Air Serbia

Scena / The Scene

PLAVA PLANETA Manje od jedne ljudske genera- cije bilo je dovoljno da se svet suo- či sa dramatičnim gubicima u oke- anskoj fauni, upozorila je Svetska fondacija za prirodu. Uspeli smo da prepolovimo broj živih bića pod vodom prekomernim ribolovom, za- gađenjem obala, emisijom gasova… Životna staništa su degradirana i uni- štena, a ako kiselost okeana nasta- vi da se povećava kao rezultat glo- balnog otopljavanja, mnogi koralni grebeni iščeznuće do sredine veka, što će predstavljati veliki rizik za vr- ste koje ih naseljavaju. Zbog toga ova predivna fotogra- fija podseća da je vreme za ljubav. Ljubav za život koji nas okružuje, a bez kojeg nam nema života. Ljubav za prirodu. Ljubav za našu ranjenu planetu, koja je sve manje plava.


Less than one human generation was enough for the world to face dramatic loss- es in oceanic fauna, warned the World Wide Fund for Nature. We have managed to halve the number of underwater crea- tures through overfishing, coastline pol- lution, gas emissions etc. Living habitats have been degraded and destroyed, and if the acidification of oceans continues to deteriorate as a result of global warming, many coral reefs will have disappeared by the middle of this century, representing a huge risk for the species that inhabit them. It is because of this threat that this beautiful photograph reminds us that it is time for love; love for the life that sur- rounds us and without which there is no life; love for nature; love for our wound- ed planet that is increasingly becoming less blue.

Fotografija / Photography: Yoshikazu Tsuno

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