S taklo u rukama skandinav- skih majstora postaje mno- go više od otopljenog kvar- ca. Postaje skulptura koja nosi jasnu i čistu poruku prirode. Upravo takva mala umetnička dela prikazana su u okviru izložbe Dodir stakla u Muzeju primenjene umet- nosti u Beogradu, koja traje do 15. marta. Reč je o gostujućoj izložbi sa- vremenog nordijskog stakla ko- ju su organizovale ambasade Dan- ske, Finske, Norveške i Švedske. Cilj je jedinstven, promocija umetnosti i saradnje nordijskih zemalja u umet- ničkom stvaralaštvu. Izloženo je 80 predmeta, iza kojih stoji 13 poznatih staklara koji su u saradnji sa umetni- cima stvorili prava remek-dela, spoj tradicije i savremenog, jasna i skro- mna baš kakav je i sam sever Evrope. A staklo je pravi materijal za umetnike iz Skandinavije kroz koji mogu najbolje da se izraze. Ono do- nosi svetlost, koja je Nordijcima to- liko važna da je već vekovima slave. Svetlost je ono za čime čeznu u du- gim zimskim danima i ono u čemu uživaju tokom vedrih severnih leta. Zato je svetlost uhvaćena u staklu za njih odraz lepote i moći. Staklo do- nosi i hladni dodir koji tako podseća na led. Donosi ono što ljude na se- veru okružuje, prirodu, koja je uvek u samoj osnovi nordijskog dizajna. – Bilo je tako lako napraviti ovu izložbu. Svi su bili spremni za sarad- nju i ponudili su najbolje. Ona pred- stavlja svu slojevitost modernog ska- nidnavskog staklarstva, sve njegove sastavne elemente, pretapanja i ra- zvoj – objašnjava Lada Ratković Bu- kovčanin, autorka izložbe i muzejska savetnica Muzeja Mimara iz Zagreba. Predmeti na izložbi su sve ono što očekujemo od nordijskih diza- jnera. Sve je tako jasno. Minimali- zam bez trunke kiča, kako je pri- metila Milica Cukić, kustos Muzeja primenjene umetnosti u Beogra-
I n the hands of Scandinavian masters, glass becomes much more than melt- ed quartz. It becomes a sculpture that bears the clear and clean message of nature. It is precisely such small works of art that are displayed under the framework of the Touch of Glass exhibition at the Mu- seum of Applied Arts in Belgrade, where it will remain until 15 th March. This visiting exhibition of contempo- rary Nordic glassworks was organised by the embassies of Denmark, Finland, Nor- way and Sweden. The unique aim of the exhibition is to promote art and cooper- ation among the Nordic countries in artis- tic creation. There are 80 works displayed, behind which stand 13 famous glaziers who worked in collaboration with artists to create masterpieces that are a combina- tion of tradition and modernity - clear and modest, just like the north of Europe itself. And glass is the right material through which artists from Scandinavia can best express themselves. It brings brightness, which is so important to the Nordic people that they have been celebrating it for cen- turies. Brightness is what they long for dur- ing long winter days and what they enjoy during the bright northern summer. That’s why light trapped in glass is for them an expression of beauty and power. Glass al- so brings a cool touch that is so reminis- cent of ice. It brings that which surrounds people in the north – nature, which is al- ways at the heart of Nordic design. - It was so easy to make this exhibi- tion. Everyone was willing to cooperate and offered their best. It represents all the multiplicity of modern Scandinavian glass- work, all of its constituent elements, blend- ing and development - explains Lada Rat- ković Bukovčanin, author of the exhibition and advisor to Zagreb’s Mimara Museum. The works on display as part of the ex- hibition bring that which we expect from Nordic designers. Everything is so clear. Minimalism without a trace of kitsch, not- ed Milica Cukić, curator of the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade. And, indeed, pu- rified forms of clear contours offer an es-
Dansku predstavlja slavni umetnik Jern Ucon Denmark is represented by famous artist Jørn Utzon
Plava spiralna posuda, staklara Jevik Blue spiral bowl, a glasswork by Gjovik
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