Stručnjaci predviđaju da će bolidi u 2017. u proseku ići brže za tri do pet sekundi po krugu
Experts predict that F1 cars will be three to five seconds faster per lap on average in 2017
Tekst / Words: Dragutin Pantelić Fotografije / Photography: Sauber motorsport,, Andrej Isaković/AFP/
L egendarni Berni Eklston, pr- vi čovek najbržeg cirkusa na svetu, dobio je otkaz posle pu- ne četiri decenije provedene na mestu izvršnog direktora, čime je završena jedna era u istoriji Formule 1. Druga počinje sa američkim me- dijskim konzorcijumom Liberti medi- ja grup , koji je u vlasništvu američkog milijardera Džona Melouna. Iako je bi- lo nagađanja da će Eklston ostati di- rektor, to se nije dogodilo. Na njegovo mesto došao je Čejs Keri, bivši izvrš- ni direktor kompanije 21 senčeri foks , dok je za direktora sportskog progra- ma postavljen veteran F1 Ros Bron, je- dan od najuticajnih ljudi u tom svetu. Sudeći prema prvim intervjuima no- vog rukovodstva, Formulu 1 očekuje potpuni zaokret, kako u sportskom, ta- ko i u komercijalnom smislu. Najavlje- ne su promene u formatu takmičenja uvođenjem novih trka, što se očeku- je 2018, kao i povećano prisustvo na severnoameričkom i azijskom tržištu. Iako F1 u proseku ima oko 400 mili- ona gledalaca širom sveta, Čejs Keri tvrdi da ni blizu nisu ispunjeni kapa- citeti ovog takmičenja i da je njegov cilj, osim unapređenja sporta, pove- ćanje gledanosti i, naravno, više keša. „Berni Eklston je sebe nazivao dik- tatorom, previše je puta rekao ’ne’, vre- me je da se ovaj sport vrati onome što ga čini velikim i ponovo počne da odu- ševljava gledaoce“, poručio je Keri. A novi vlasnici upravo žele drastič- ne promene pod rukovodstvom Rosa Brona, koji je vrlo nezadovoljan činje- nicom da samo nekoliko velikih timo- va ima dovoljno novca da se bori za šampionsku titulu, dok ostali nema- ju gotovo nikakve mogućnosti da se dokopaju podijuma. S tim u vezi je najavio da će u na- redne tri godine sa timovima i proi- zvođačima motora razgovarati o sma- njenju troškova proizvodnje kako bi se ušlo u konkurentniju borbu. To je, sudeći prema reakcijama stručne javnosti, ključni korak koji ima i do- bre i loše strane. Pojeftinjenje spor- ta dovešće do ravnopravnije borbe i većih iznenađenja na samoj stazi, ali će istovremeno značiti i uspora-
T he legendary Bernie Ecclestone, head of “the world’s fastest cir- cus”, has finally left Formula One after spending four decades as the sport’s CEO. A new era begins with the American media consortium“Liberty Media Group”, owned by billionaire John Malone. Despite speculation that Ecclestone would remain as CEO, that did not happen. In his place came Chase Carey, former executive direc- tor of 21st Century Fox, while the position of managing director for motorsports at the Formula One Group has been taken over by one of the most influential peo- ple in the sport, F1 veteran Ross Brawn. Judging by the first interviews with the new management team, Formula One can expect a complete turnaround, both in a sporting and a commercial sense. The announced changes in the format of the competition include the introduction of a new race, which is expected in 2018, and an increased presence in the North Amer- ican and Asian markets. Although F1 has an average of 400 million viewers world- wide, Carey claims that the capacities of the competition are not even close to be- ing met, and that his goal, apart from ad- vancing the sport, is to increase viewer- ship and, of course, generate more cash. - Bernie Ecclestone referred to himself as a dictator and too often said “no”. It is time to return this sport to what makes it great and to begin impressing audiences again - said Carey. And the new owners actually want drastic changes under the leadership of Ross Brawn, who is very dissatisfied with the fact that only a few big teams have enough money to compete for the cham- pionship title, while others have almost no chance of reaching the podium. It was with this in mind that he an- nounced that in the next three years there will be talks with teams and manufactur- ers about reducing their production costs so they can compete in the battle for the title. Judging by the reactions of experts, this is a key step that has both positive and negative sides. Making the sport cheaper will lead to a more equal battle and great- er surprises on the circuit, but it will al- so mean a slowdown in the technologi- cal progress of engines and the vehicles
Sauber je prva ekipa koja je predstavila javnosti svoj novi, moćni bolid Sauber was the first team to present its new, powerful car to the public
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