O duvek su se najgenijalni- je ideje rađale u potpuno običnim situacijama ko- je ni po čemu nisu izgle- dale kao da bi mogle da promene svet. Od Arhimeda, koji je posle ula- ska u kadu uočio da je nivo vode po- većan za tačno onoliko koliko je nje- govo telo teško i potom uzviknuo: „Eureka!“, pa sve do Njutna, koji je definisao silu gravitacije dok je len- čario u svom vrtu. Njutna je inspi- risala jabuka koja pada sa drveta, a Arhimed je bio toliko uzbuđen zbog svog otkrića da je, legenda kaže, od- mah iskočio iz kade i tako obnažen od sreće trčao ulicama Sirakuze. Priča o Tviteru počinje 2006. i po- djednako je fenomenalno obična, a opet revolucionarna koliko i Arhime- dova i Njutnova. Naime, Džek Dorsi je radio kao veb-dizajner u kompa- niji Odeo i po kasnijim pričama nje- govih kolega činilo se da mu je taj posao bio užasno dosadan. Paralel- no je razvijao i svoju „ideju o statu- sima“, koja u prvi mah nije bila pot- puno jasna njegovim saradnicima. Međutim, kompanija ubrzo zapada u krizu i Džek sa još trojicom kolega odlučuje da predstavi svoj proizvod čelnicima u nadi da će Odeo inve- stirati u njega. Predstavljen je servis zasnovan na SMS-u na kojem svako može da pošalje poruku na isti broj,
T he most ingenious ideas have al- ways been born in completely or- dinary situations that in no way looked like they could change the world. From Archimedes, who noticed while getting in a bathtub that the water level increased by exactly as much as his body weighed and then declared “Eure- ka!”, all the way to Newton, who defined the force of gravity while lunching in his garden. Newton was inspired by an apple falling from a tree, while legend has it that Archimedes was so excited by his discov- ery that he immediately jumped out of the tub and was deliriously happy that he ran nude through the streets of Syracuse. The story of Twitter started in 2006 and is equally amazingly simple yet rev- olutionary as Archimedes and Newton. Actually, Jack Dorsey was working as a web designer at company Odeo and, ac- cording to the subsequent stories of his colleagues, it seemed that he found that job tediously boring. In parallel, he de- veloped his own “idea about statuses”, which initially wasn’t entirely clear to his colleagues. However, the company soon fell into crisis and Jack, along with an- other three colleagues, decided to pres- ent his product to management in the hope that Odeo would invest in it. At that time he presented a service based on SMS messaging, where anyone can send a message to the same number and that message then appears as a “status”
There are no more untouchables; famous are not people on TV, they are there, a click away from us. And they must hear us... Nema više nedodirljivih, poznati nisu ljudi sa TV-a, oni su tu, nalik na nas. I moraju da nas čuju…
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