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I UMETNIK I OTAC Nedostaju li vam ćerke?
rate sa neverovatnom strašću i, kako sami kažete, čudite se da instrumenti ostaju čitavi u va- šim rukama. Kako je moguće da strast traje tako dugo? – Uvek sam uzbuđen i željan da sviram za publiku svako veče. Radu- jem se nastupima i susretu s ljudima. Takođe uživam u osecaju da bivam sve bolji na turnejama koje dugo traju. Ja sam od onih umetnika kojima treba da mnogo sviraju i da tokom tih pred- stava dobiju vreme za improvizaciju. Da moj zmaj može da poleti visoko. Gitare tretirate kao živa bića sa dušom. Imate li omiljenu gita- ru koja vam znači više od svih drugih? – Volim sve svoje gitare. Tri sa ko- jima nastupam imaju različite glaso- ve i na svakoj sviram različite pesme. One imaju različite štimove i uživam u raznovrsnosti tih zvukova i osecanja koje dobijam od ova tri prijatelja. Po- nekad pogledam u gitaru i zapitam se odakle sav taj zvuk dolazi. To je samo mali instrument, ali čuva za mene mno- ge misterije koje tek treba da rešim. Šta biste rekli svim ljudima koji vas željno iščekuju u Beogradu? – Hvala na dobrodošlici, daću sve od sebe kad se vidimo u Centru „Sava“!
prised that the instruments re- main whole in your hands. How is it possible for passion to last unabated for so many decades? - I’m always excited to play for an au- dience every night. I look forward to my shows and I look forward to meeting peo- ple. It’s people who inspire me and cause me to try harder. I also enjoy the feeling of improving when I’m touring a lot. I’m the kind of artist who needs to play of- ten and during my shows, I always build in time for improvisation and “flying my kite”. You treat your guitars like li- ving beings with a soul. Do you have a favorite one? - I love all my guitars. The three that I tour with have different voices and I play different songs on each one. They also have different tunings and I enjoy the variety of sounds and feelings that I get from these three friends. Sometimes I look down at my guitar and wonder, “where is all this sound coming from?” It’s only a small instrument, but it has many mys- teries yet to be solved. What would you say to all the people who are eagerly awai- ting you in Belgrade? - I would say: thank you for welcom- ing me back to Belgrade and I will give you my best when I see you at the Sa- va Centre!
– Imam tri cerke, Amandu, Angelinu i Rejčel. Oni su sve pu- tovale sa mnom u različitim periodima i ja sam im napisao mnogo pesama. Ponekad sam maštao o tome da budem ta- ta koji radi od devet do pet, koji bi mogao da bude sa njima svaki dan, ali to nisam ja. Zato nalazim balans u svom živo- tu trudeći se da u isto vreme budem najbolji umetnik i najbo- lji mogući otac. Da li su devojke nasledile vaš talenat? – Sve tri su talentovane na svoj način. Vole muziku i ples i ra- dujem se da vidim gde će ih život odvesti. Ne guram ih u muziku, neka budu šta god požele. Angelina ima gitaru i kla- vir, Rejčel ima ukulele, a Amanda voli pozorište. Do you miss your daughters? I have three daughters: Amanda, Angelina and Rachel. They have all travelled with me at different times and I have wri- tten them all a lot of songs. Sometimes I daydream about be- ing a 9-5 working dad so could be with them every day but it’s not who I am and I have to find a good balance in my life so I can be both the best artist I can be and a good dad at the sa- me time. Has she inherited your talent and will she soon receive a gui- tar as a gift? All three girls are talented in their own way. They love music and they love dance and I’m looking forward to seeing where they all end up in life. I am not pushing them into music - they can be whatever they want to be. Angelina has a guitar and a piano, and Rachel has a ukelele. Amanda likes theatre, so she dances more. BOTH ARTIST AND FATHER
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