Elevate February 2017 | Air Serbia


Last month you made a nice acquaintance that could de- velop into a romance during February. This month will not bring you great things on the work front, so reorient your- self towards love events and take advantage of positive as- pects to embark on a new emotional relationship. Periodi- cal headaches and changeable moods are possible. by Saša Jevtić Februar 2017 / February 2017. You will be filled with positive energy for the entire month, which it would be good to use for partnership relations, but also in relations with friends, because you have drifted apart from them all somewhat. Single Taurians should get ready for a new love. Works aspects are changeable. Specifically, the first half of the month will bring financial problems, but as the month progresses so the situation will stabilise. Pay attention to your nutrition. At the start of the month you will meet an interesting per- son, and you will meet them through work. If you are sin- gle, you will have excellent conditions to establish close contacts with that person, and later a relationship. This is also a favourable period for you to invest money, buy, sell, and carry out all kinds of financial activities. Gains are possible. Gemini Aries Taurus


Prošlog meseca imali ste lepo poznanstvo, ko- je se tokom februara može pretvoriti u romantičnu priču. Ovaj mesec vam neće doneti velike stvari na poslovnom polju, zato se preorijentišite na ljubav- na dešavanja i iskoristite povoljne aspekte za ula- zak u novu emotivnu vezu. Moguće su periodične glavobolje i promenljivo raspoloženje. Celog meseca plenićete pozitivnom energijom, bilo bi dobro da to iskoristite u partnerskom odno- su, ali i u odnosu sa prijateljima, jer ste se od svih pomalo udaljili. Slobodni Bikovi neka se spreme za novu ljubav. Poslovni aspekti su promenljivi. Tač- nije, prva polovina meseca donosi finansijske pro- bleme, ali kako mesec bude odmicao, stanje će se stabilizovati. Obratite pažnju na ishranu. Bik Na samom početku meseca upoznaćete za- nimljivu osobu, i to u vezi s poslom. Ako ste slo- bodni, imaćete odlične uslove da sa tom osobom ostvarite bliski kontakt, a kasnije i vezu. Ovo vam je takođe i povoljan period za ulaganje novca, ku- povinu, prodaju i sve vrste finansijskih radnji. Mo- gući su dobici. Nagle promene raspoloženja i nervoza koju ste osećali tokom prethodnog perioda polako će se prorediti, to jest smanjiti. Ovo je mesec kada treba da radite na sebi. Ujedno, pravo je vreme za dijetu I teretanu. Potrebno je da izbacite iz sebe svu ne- gativnost da biste se vratili u ravnotežu. Iskoristite ovaj period za preporod. Rak Uvek nasmejani Lavovi i tokom ovog meseca bi- će u centru pažnje. Više ćete se fokusirati na poslov- ne uspehe, pravljenje novih planova za ovu godinu, a manje na emotivna dešavanja. Samo pazite da ne zapostavite partnera, familiju i prijatelje i time sebi stvorite nepotrebne probleme. Takođe, ovo je povo- ljan mesec za obnavljanje veza iz prošlosti. Ljubav će vam biti prioritet tokom ovog me- seca. Jednostavno, imate naglašenu potrebu da ostvarite nešto novo, ne želite više da budete sami. Device koje su u stabilnoj vezi tokom ovog meseca imaju odlučne aspekte za korak dalje, na primer za trudnoću. Pokušajte da se malo odmorite od posla i finansijskih briga. Devica Blizanci Lav

21.4 - 20.5

21.5 - 21.6


21.4 - 20.5

The sudden mood swings and nervousness that you’ve been feeling during the previous period, will slowly thin out, i.e. reduce. This is a month when you should work on yourself. At the same time, it is also the right time for di- eting and visiting the gym. You need to release all of your negativity in order to return to balance. Take advantage of this period for revival. Always smiling Leos will be the centre of attention again during this month. You will focus more on work success, making a new plan for this year, and less on emotion- al events. Just be careful not to neglect your partner, fam- ily and friends, thereby causing unnecessary problems for yourself. This is also a favourable month for renewing past relations. Leo Love will be a priority during this month. Simply, you have an accentuated need to create something new and you don’t want to be alone anymore. Virgoans that are in a stable relationship have excellent aspects during this month to take the next step, for example with preg- nancy. Try to take a bit of a break from work and finan- cial worries. Virgo

23.7 - 23.8

24.8 - 23.9

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