24.9 - 23.10
Imate osećaj da ste se malo umorili od svega. Potreban vam je neki vid izolacije, jedino tako ćete se fokusirati na neke kreativne stvari. Jednostavno, želite mir, da malo napunite baterije. Ako ste u vezi, trebalo bi da imate razumevanje partnera, a ako se desi suprotno, onda razmislite da li se nalazite po- red prave osobe. To će biti test i za njega i za vas. U slučaju da ste bez posla, ovo je idealan tre- nutak da pronađete pristojan posao. Za one kojima ističe ugovor ili nisu prijavljeni za stalno, preporu- čuje se da se pozabave tim pitanjem. Ljubavna si- tuacija biće solidna, mada će se neki naći pred ve- likim izazovom – moguća je tajna veza. Škorpija
You have the feeling that you are a bit tired of everything. You need some form of isolation, which is the only way you are going to focus on some creative things. Simply put, you want peace, in order to recharge your batteries a little. If you are in a relationship, you should have understanding from your partner. If the opposite happens, then consider wheth- er you are with the right person. That will be a test for them and for you. In the case that you are out of work, this is the ideal time to find a decent job. For those whose contract is coming to an end or who are not permanently employed, it is recommend- ed that this issue be addressed. Your situation on the love front will be solid, though some will find themselves facing a great challenge – possibly a secret relationship. Scorpio
24.10 - 22.11
23.11 - 21.12
Ne dozvolite da vam ovaj mesec prođe u opu- štanju i izležavanju. Aspekti nagoveštavaju nova burna dešavanja na polju poslovanja i ljubavi, ali vi ćete osetiti potrebu da se izolujete. To nije vaša pri- roda, već trenutna slabost. Imajte na umu da je ovo pravi trenutak za donošenje odluka koje ćete spro- vesti u delo tokom ove godine.
Do not let this month pass in rest and relaxation. Aspects sug- gest new turbulent developments in the fields of work and love, but you will feel the need to isolate yourself. That is not part of your nature, but rather your current weakness. Keep in mind that this is the right time to make decisions about things that you will put into practice this year.
22.12 - 20.1
Mnogi pripadnici ovog znaka i dalje sabiraju koliko su novca potrošili za vreme praznika, ume- sto da se više angažuju na poslu. Time bi poboljša- li finansijsko stanje, s obzirom na to da su aspek- ti dobri. Ovaj mesec nije povoljan za nove početke, ali je odličan za lično preispitivanje u vezi sa emo- tivnim dešavanjima u prošlosti.
Many Capricornians are still calculating how much money they spent during the holidays instead of being more engaged in their job. That would im- prove their financial situation, given that aspects are also favourable. This month is not favourable for new beginnings, but it is excellent for personal re- views related to emotional events from the past.
21.1 - 19.2
Početak meseca donosi nervozu, ali već posle prve nedelje očekujte novča- ni dobitak, poboljšanje finansijske situ- acije, koje će vas u velikoj meri smiriti. Tokom druge polovine meseca aktivira- ju se aspekti emocija i sva je prilika da ćete ući u divnu emotivnu vezu. Zauze- ti pripadnici najzad će uživati sa partne- rom u romantičnim trenucima.
You will feel a little nervous at the beginning of the month, but already after the first week you should expect financial gains and an improving of your fi- nancial situation that will calm you greatly. The sec- ond half of the month will see aspects of emo- tion triggered and there is a good chance that you will enter into a wonderful emotional relationship. Aquarians in a relationship will finally enjoy some romantic moments with their partner.
20.2 - 20.3
Previše ističete svoj trud, ali to nije uvek najbo- lje. Usporite i dajte drugima priliku da vas pohva- le. Prethodnog meseca upoznali ste zanimljive lju- de, neko od njih bi mogao da postane vaš emotivni partner. Što se tiče finansija, morate biti oprezni jer su moguća nepromišljena ulaganja. Takođe, ne- mojte davati ili pozajmljivati novac.
You emphasise your efforts too much, but that’s not always the best thing to do. Slow down and give others a chance to praise you. In the last month you have met interesting people, one of whom could become your emotional part- ner. When it comes to finances, you will have to be careful because reckless investments are possible. Likewise, do not give or lend money.
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