Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
VAŽNA DOSTIGNUĆA Er Srbija je zabeležila više važnih dosti- gnuća u vezi sa uslugom od 2013. godi- ne, uključujući pokretanje Wi-Fly bežič- nog interneta tokom leta, Elevejt plej (Elevate Play) bežičnog sistema za za- bavu i Sky-Au-Pair usluge pomoći u brizi o deci na letovima za Njujork, ku- da Er Srbija leti tri puta nedeljno.
– oživljavanja stare vazdušne veze i unošenja novog života u tržište koje je bilo izgubljeno duže od dve dece- nije. Čestitam timu Er Srbije na nje- govim dostignućima“, rekla je Karen Voker, glavna i odgovorna urednica Air Transport World. Siniša Mali, predsednik Nadzor- nog odbora Er Srbije i gradonačelnik Beograda, istakao je tim povodom da dobijanje ove nagrade pokazuje ka- ko Er Srbija ispunjava svoje ciljeve da postane vodeća avio-kompanija u regionu, ali i više od toga, pozicioni- ra avio-kompaniju na globalnom ni- vou. Generalni direktor Er Srbije Da- ne Kondić rekao je ovom prilikom da su letovi za SAD bili jedan od glavnih ciljeva i da je nagrada priznanje po- svećenosti i upornosti ljudi u Er Srbi- ji koji su to učinili mogućim. – Pokretanje prekookeanskih letova složen je zadatak za svaku avio-kompaniju, posebno jednu ko- ja je mlada i veličine kao što je Er Srbija , ali sa našom voljom, ambici- jom i talentovanom radnom snagom učinili smo to mogućim. Vizija naših strateških partnera bila je da se uspo- stavi avio–kompanija koja odražava moderni duh Srbije i pruža gostima izvanredno iskustvo. Uspeli smo na oba fronta i time smo izmenili sliku avijacije u jugoistočnoj Evropi – sma- tra Dane Kondić. Prekookeanski let ponovo je po- sle 1992. godine povezao Srbiju i SAD prvom direktnom linijom na kojoj le- tove obavlja srpska kompanija, što je ujedno i jedina vazdušna veza izme- đu SAD i jugoistočne Evrope koja je aktivna tokom cele godine. Ova linija olakšala je transatlantska putovanja za više od 200.000 ljudi srpskog porekla koji žive u SAD, kao i ostale veće zajed- nice dijaspore poreklom sa Balkana. Ključni trenutak u pripremama za pokretanje ove linije bio je proši- renje flote Er Srbije , kada je uveden širokotrupni avion erbas A330-200. Njegovo uvođenje predstavlja najno- vije unapređenje u programu razvoja flote u okviru koga je avio–kompani- ja uvela deset erbas A319 i A320 le- telica. Iste nedelje kada su pokrenuti letovi za SAD, Er Srbija je takođe po- krenula i letove za četiri nove desti- nacije u Evropi, proširivši svoju mre- žu na 44 grada. Nagrada za Lidera na tržištu avio– kompanija biće dodeljena Er Srbiji na 43. ATW dodeli godišnjih nagrada za postignuća u avio–industriji, na gala večeri 28. marta u Njujorku.
Air Serbia has marked many service mi- lestones since 2013, including the launch of “Wi-Fly” internet, the “Elevate Play” wi- reless entertainment service and the “Sky Au Pairs” childcare assistance service on flights to New York, where Air Serbia cu- rrently flies three times a week.
ir Serbia, the national airline of the Republic of Serbia, has been named
is a tribute to the commitment and dedi- cation of people at Air Serbia who made it happen. - Launching long-haul flights is a complex feat for any airline, especially one the size and young age of Air Serbia, but with our drive, ambition and talent- ed work force, we made it possible. The vision of our shareholders was to estab- lish an airline that embodied the modern spirit of Serbia and offered a guest expe- rience second-to-none. We have excelled on both fronts and, by doing so, redefined the aviation landscape of Southeast Eu- rope”, said Dane Kondić. The long-haul service has reconnected Serbia and the US with the first non-stop, Serbian-operated air link since 1992 and, as the only year-round air connection be- tween the US and Southeast Europe, sim- plified transatlantic travel for 200,000-plus people of Serbian descent living in the US, as well as other sizeable diasporas from the Balkans. A fundamental moment in the run-up to the launch was the expansion of the Air Serbia fleet with a wide-body aircraft, an Airbus A330-200. Its entry into service marked the lat- est milestone in a fleet development pro- gramme that has seen the airline bring in ten Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft, reduc- ing the average age of its jet aircraft from 25 to 10 years, and more than doubling its aircraft utilization from five to 13 hours. In the same week as launching ser- vices to the US, Air Serbia also inaugurat- ed flights to four new destinations in Eu- rope, expanding its network to 44 cities. The expansion was complemented by Air Serbia’s impressive financial and oper- ational performance, which saw the carri- er post a net profit of €3.9 million for 2015, its second year of net profitability, dur- ing which it carried 2.55 million people. The Airline Market Leader award will be presented to Air Serbia at the ATW’s 43rd Annual Airline Industry Achievement Awards gala night, set to take place in New York on 28 March.
2017 Airline Market Leader by Air Transport World, the leading media brand serving the information needs of the global airline and commercial air transport communi- ties. ATW’s airline awards were established in 1974 to recognize excellence in the air transport industry and are well-respected across the sector for their integrity and in- dependence, attracting hundreds of air- line nominations every year. The Belgrade-based airline was chosen by ATW’s editorial team for its phenom- enal progress during the last three years, which culminated in the June 2016 launch of non-stop flights to New York, making Air Serbia the only carrier from Southeast Europe to offer transatlantic flights to the United States. Air Serbia was recognized for its innovative products and services and sound business strategies which have dif- ferentiated it from competitors in South- east Europe, while at the same time grow- ing its network, revenue, customer base and brand recognition. It is also the first airline from the region to receive such an honour on a global stage, reflecting Serbi- an know-how and ability to build a world- class business. “The Air Serbia story is remarkable, most especially its launch last year of di- rect flights to New York – resurrecting an air link and reinvigorating a market that had been lost for more than two decades. I congratulate the Air Serbia team on its achievement”, said Karen Walker, Air Trans- port World Editor-in-Chief: Siniša Mali, Chairman of the Air Ser- bia Supervisory Board and Mayor of Bel- grade, said on this occasion that winning the award shows that Air Serbia is deliver- ing on its objectives to become a leading airline in the region, but more than that, it puts the airline on the map on a more global scale. At the same time, Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Officer of Air Serbia, said that fly- ing to the US has been one of major aspi- rations from day one, and that this award
Ove nagrade uspostavljene su 1974. kao
oznaka izvrsnosti u industriji avio- prevoza This airline awards were established in 1974 to recognize excellence in the air transport industry
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