Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
P osle premijere u Njujorku i promoci- je filma u američkim zatvorima do- kumentarni film Zapisi iz ćelije broj 12 na- stavlja svoj život u Srbiji i Evropi. Dramatizacija dela Zapisi iz podzemlja Do- stojevskog sa osuđenicima na izdržavanju kazne u Okružnom zatvoru u Beogradu de- lo je Marine Kovačević, osnivača Centra za rehabilitaciju imaginacijom i doktorantki- nje Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti. Er Srbija je ranije ove godine dopri- nela projektu, obezbeđivanjem transpor- ta do Njujorka, gde je film prvobitno pred- stavljen. – Drago mi je da je prepoznata važnost jednog ovakvog projekta i da nam je omo- gućeno da odemo u Ameriku i promovi- šemo ovu priču i Srbiju u svetu. Nadam se
da će i drugi u Srbiji shvatiti značaj ovoga, poput Er Srbije – kaže Marina Kovačević. Dokumentarni film Zapisi iz ćelije broj 12 epilog je pozorišne predstave nastale u ko- produkciji službe za tretman Okružnog za- tvora u Beogradu i nevladine organizaci- je Centar za rehabilitaciju imaginacijom u kojem glume osuđenici. Na pitanje može li imaginacija da dovede do rehabilitacije, od- nosno umetnost do promene, autorka od- govara pozitivno… – Transformisati Đorđa sa decenijskim zatvorskim stažom u glumca neverovat- nog talenta. Probuditi malog Milana iz za- tvorskog mraka, sada živopisnog mladića punog duha koga je predstava pokrenula... Vratiti Uroša na stare staze glumačke sla- ve... Sve su to dokazi koliko rehabilitacija
kroz umetnost može biti efektna i uspešna – kaže nam Marina i parafrazira Dostojev- skog: „Ništa nije trajno osim promene, život je unutra, a sloboda je u glavi.“ Nema dileme da su ovakvi projekti ko- risni i za ljude koji u njima učestvuju, a i za zajednicu jer je svima cilj korekcija ponaša- nja i smanjenje kriminaliteta. – U umetnosti smo svi isti, isto volimo, isto patimo, istom se nadamo. Nije na na- ma da sudimo o njihovim delima, već da probudimo ono dobro u njima. Pokazali smo da je umetnost put u takve promene – zaključuje autorka, koja će posle uspešnog nastupa u Njujorku nastaviti obuku u naj- većem američkom zatvoru San Kventin, pa implementirati nove modele rehabilitacije ovde u Srbiji.
Marina Kovačević i ekipa glumaca-
osuđenika Okružnog zatvora u Beogradu
Marina Kovačević with actors/convicts in the Belgrade District Prison
F ollowing the premiere screening in New York and a promotion of the film in Ameri- can prisons, the documentary film “Notes from cell number 12”is continuing its life in Serbia and Eu- rope. The dramatization of Dostoevsky’s work “Notes from the Underground”, created with con- victs serving sentences in the Belgrade District Prison, is the creation of Marina Kovačević, found- er of the Centre for Rehabilitation through Imagi- nation. Air Serbia facilitated the documentary team in 2016 by providing air transport to New York, where it originally premiered. - I am very glad that the importance of this kind of project was realized, enabling us to go to America and promote this story and Serbia else-
where in the world. I hope that someone else in Serbia will recognise the significance of this, just like Air Serbia – says Marina Kovačević. The documentary film “Notes from cell number 12” represents the epilogue of a theatre play that was created as a co-production of the Service for Treatment at the Belgrade District Prison and NGO “Centre for Rehabilitation through Imagination”, which stars convicts. Asked if imagination can re- ally lead to rehabilitation, that art leads to change, the author responds positively... - The transformation of Đorđe, with a dec- ade served in prison, into an actor with amazing talent… Waking little Milan from the darkness of prison to become the vibrant young man full of spirit who launched the play... Returning Uroš to
his old path of acting glory... These all represent evidence of how rehabilitation through art can be effective and successful – says Marina, before par- aphrasing Dostoevsky: Nothing is permanent ex- cept change; life is inside, while freedom is in the head. There is no doubt that these projects are useful for the people who participate in them, but they are also useful for the community. - In art we are all the same; we love the same, suffer the same and hope in the same way. It is not up to us to judge actions, but rather to awaken that which is good in people. Art is a route to such changes – concludes the author, who will contin- ue training in America’s largest prison, San Quen- tin, implementing new models of rehabilitation here in Serbia.
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