Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
THIS IS NOT GOODBYE, OVO NIJE ZBOGOM, NEGO DOVIĐENJA CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER DAVOR MIŠELJIĆ SET TO LEAVE AIR SERBIA I izvršni direktor za saobraćaj, pilot Davor Mišeljić, sa Er Srbi- jom je od prvog dana. Pre gotovo četiri godine stigao je iz Etihad ervejza i do danas bio nezamenljivi deo nacionalne kompa- nije. Sada se vraća u Etihad , zadovoljan postignutim uspesima, ponosan na let do Njujorka, ali i željan novih izazova. – Sa profesionalne strane najviše mi je nedostajalo letenje, jer na poziciji izvršnog direktora nisam imao priliku da se u pot- punosti posvetim letačkim dužnostima. Nadam se da ću povrat- kom u Etihad barem u prvom periodu uspeti da se posvetim svom pozivu, koji toliko volim – otkriva Davor Mišeljić, ali kaže da mu nije lako da ode iz redova Er Srbije . - Projekat u koji sam ugradio skoro četiri godine života i rada, sve što sam prošao u tom periodu, ljudi sa kojima sam radio, sve je to deo jedne lepe uspomene zvane Er Srbija . Za mene ovo nije zbogom, nego doviđenja – ističe vrsni pilot, koji za sobom ostavlja jednu od najboljih avio–kompanija u ovom delu sveta, koja je za manje od četiri godine ostvarila fantastične uspehe. BUT FAREWELL – Smatram da su bezbednost letenja, usluga koju pružamo, kao i opšti utisak koji putnici imaju o kompaniji najbolji dokaz o tome koliko je posla urađeno i šta je Er Srbija postala – kaže Miše- ljić i ističe da je u bilo kom poslu svaka promena rizik. – U našem slučaju najizloženiji ovim rizicima bili su upravo članovi naše letačke i kabinske posade. Nova tehnologija, novi tip aviona, nove procedure i nova operativna filozofija, čak i nova kor- porativna struktura i procesi, sve su to samo neki od izazova ko- je su naši piloti i kabinsko osoblje morali da prevaziđu. Ako na to dodate činjenicu da se obim saobraćaja značajno povećao, onda je jasno da je ova grupa zaposlenih obavila veoma dobar posao – za- ključuje Mišeljić, naglašavajući, naravno, da progres ne staje i ne čeka ni na koga, te da je stručno usavršavanje kontinuiran proces. Uz sve uspehe Davor će ostati upisan u istoriji vazduhoplov- stva kao pilot koji je posle 24 godine pauze spustio srpski avion na aerodrom u Njujorku. – Teško je opisati stres i opterećenje kojima sam bio izložen u pripremnoj fazi za otvaranje linije za JFK. Međutim, tog 23. ju- na jedino preostalo od projekta bilo je da se obavi let, a tu sam bio kao riba u vodi. Zato će mi zauvek ostati u sećanju perfektan i pot- pun mir i fokus na letački deo posla. Kao i bura ponosa tokom tak- siranja na parking-poziciju na aerodromu Kenedi , sa zastavama istaknutim kroz prozore pilotske kabine. DAVOR MIŠELJIĆ, IZVRŠNI DIREKTOR ZA SAOBRAĆAJ, ODLAZI IZ ER SRBIJE
A ir Serbia’s Chief Operating Officer, pilot Davor Mišeljić, has been with the airline since its first day. He arrived from Etihad Airways nearly four years ago and to date has been an indispensable part of the success of the airline. Now he is returning to Etihad, satisfied with the successes achieved, proud of the flight to New York, but also eager for challenges... - On the professional side, I missed flying the most, because in the posi- tion of chief operations officer I didn’t have the opportunity to dedicate my- self fully to flying duties. I hope that with my return to Etihad I will, at least in the initial period, be able to devote myself to my vocation, which I love so much – reveals Mišeljić, though he also admits that it is not easy for him to leave the ranks of Air Serbia... - The project in which I have built nearly four years of my life and work, everything I have gone through in that period, the people with whom I’ve worked, who I’ve met, all of that is part of one great memory called Air Ser- bia. For me this is not goodbye, but rather farewell – notes this excellent pilot, who leaves behind one of the best airlines in this part of the world that has achieved fantastic successes in less than four years. - I consider that the safety of flights, the service that we provide, as well as the general impression that passengers have regarding the company, are the best proof of how much work has been done and what Air Serbia has be- come - says Mišeljić and points out that in any kind of work, any change al- ways represents a risk factor. - In our case, those who were most exposed to these risks were precise- ly members of our flight and cabin crew. New technology, a new type of air- craft, new procedures and a new operational philosophy, and even a new corporate structure and processes – all of those are just some of the chal- lenges that our pilots and cabin crew had to overcome. If you add to that the fact that the volume of traffic has increased significantly, then it is clear that this group of employees carried out very good work - concludes Mišeljić, not- ing that, of course, progress does not stop and doesn’t wait for anybody, and that professional development is a continuous process. And alongside all of his success, Davor will remain inscribed in the histo- ry of aviation as the pilot who landed a Serbian plane at a New York airport for the first time after a 24-year break... - It’s difficult to describe the stress and burden I was exposed to in the preparatory stage of opening the route to JFK. However, on that 23rd June the only thing that remained of that project was to carry out the flight. And in that I was like a fish in water! That’s why I will forever remember the per- fect and complete peace and focus on the flying part of the job, as well as the storm of pride during taxiing to the parking position at John F. Kennedy air- port, with flags prominent through the cockpit windows...
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