Elevate February 2017 | Air Serbia


A irberlin has announced that Thomas Winkel- mann (57) became the new CEO of airberlin as of 1 st February 2017, succeeding Stefan Pichler, who de- cided to leave the company after working for two years on its strategic turnaround. Mr Pichler achieved this by entering into a wet-lease agreement with the Lufthansa Group for 38 aircraft and through selling the short and medium haul tourist business to Etihad Aviation Group, in order to create a new European leisure airline group in a joint venture with TUI AG. Thomas Winkelmann will continue the imple- mentation of these measures to ensure a sustaina- ble and profitable future for airberlin. He has over 18 years of experience in the airline industry and has pre- viously served as CEO of Germanwings and CEO of the Lufthansa Hub in Munich.

E rberlin je najavio da će Tomas Vinkelman (57) od 1. februara 2017. postati novi direktor Erberlina , čime će naslediti Štefana Pihlera, koji je odlučio da napusti kompaniju nakon dve godine ra- da na njenom strateškom zaokretu. Gospodin Pihler je to postigao zaključivanjem ugovora o vet lizingu sa Lufthansa grupom za 38 aviona i proda- jom kratkolinijskog i srednjolinijskog poslovanja Etihad ejviejšn grupi , u cilju stvaranja nove evrop- ske avio–grupacije zajedničkim ulaganjem sa TUI AG. Tomas Vinkelman će nastaviti sa sprovođenjem ovih mera da bi se za Erberlin osigurala održiva i pro- fitabilna budućnost. On ima više od 18 godina isku- stva u avio-industriji, a ranije je bio generalni direktor Džermanvingsa , kao i Lufhansa haba u Minhenu.

Tomas Vinkelman Thomas Winkelmann

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