T he Seychelles is renowned as much for its warm Creole welcome as its warm weather – and no-one exemplifies that spirit as much as the team at Air Seychelles . The airline of the island nation traces its history back to 1977 when the Government of Seychelles purchased several small air- craft operators to operate interisland air services. A year later, the domestic airline was officially renamed Air Seychelles. In 1983, Air Seychelles expanded
S ejšeli su jednako poznati po svojoj toploj kre- olskoj gostoljubivosti koliko i po divnom vre- menu, a niko ne predstavlja taj duh u celosti kao tim Er Sejšela. Avio-kompanija prati svoj put unazad do 1977, ka- da je vlada Sejšela kupila nekoliko malih operate-
ra koji su leteli između ostrva. Godinu dana kasnije doma- ca avio-kompanija zvanično je preimenovana u Er Sejšeli , a 1983. poletela je na prvo pu- tovanje u Evropu. Od tada jed- nom nedeljno prevozi putnike iz Mahea do Londona, preko Frankfurta. Na početku 2012, Etihad ervejz je stekao udeo od 40 odsto u kompaniji sa ugovo- rom o upravljanju na pet go- dina kako bi podstakao du- goročni privredni rast. Samo godinu dana kasnije Er Sej- šeli su pokazali da su na do- brom putu, počeli su da ostvaruju profit, koji je sve vi- še rastao u 2014. i 2015. Pri-
into the long-haul passenger business, launching its first weekly flight to Eu- rope with a service between Mahé and London via Frankfurt. At the start of 2012, Etihad Air- ways acquired a 40 per cent stake in Air Seychelles Limited with a five-year management contract to encourage Air Seychelles’ long-term commercial growth. Just a year later, Air Seychelles
showed it was well on the way to a sustainable future by announcing a profit, which was then enhanced in 2014 and 2015. Air Seychelles joined Etihad Air- ways Partners – along with Etihad Air- ways, Alitalia, airberlin, NIKI, Air Serbia, Jet Airways and Etihad Re- gional - when it was formed in 2014. Last year, Air Seychelles was recognised with four honours at the World Travel Awards, winning the award for Indian Ocean’s Leading Airline for the second year running. In addition, the air- line was presented with awards for Indian Ocean’s Leading Air- line – Business Class, Indian Ocean’s Leading Airline – Economy Class, and Indian Ocean’s Leading Cabin Crew – the latter for the third year running. 2017 promises to be another exciting year
Er Sejšeli će dostići svoj vrhunac 2017. Air Seychelles will reach new heights in 2017
družili su se Etihadovim partnerima – zajedno sa kompanijama Alitalija, Erberlin, Niki, Er Srbija, Džet ervejz i Etihad ridženel . Prošle godine Er Sejšeli su dobili čak četiri pri- znanja na dodeli World Travel Awards : nagradu za vodeću avio-kompaniju Indijskog okeana (drugu go- dinu zaredom), nagradu za najbolju biznis i ekonom- sku klasu u istoj regiji, kao i za najbolju posadu, i to trecu godinu zaredom. Ova, 2017, obecava da ce biti još
jedna uzbudljiva godina za avio-kom- paniju koja ima planove da proširi svo- ju mrežu u Diseldorfu u Nemačkoj, Du- rbanu u Južnoj Africi i poveca broj letova za Pariz. Njihove usluge kori- sti sve više putnika, pa je tako u godi- ni za nama Er Sejšelima letelo više od 550.000 gostiju, što predstavlja novu prekretnicu za avio-kompaniju. Zašto ne dozvolite da ljubaznom osoblju Er Sejšela da vas u 2017. upozna sa svim lepotama svojih ostrva koje je, kako kažu, poljubilo sunce...
for the airline with plans to expand its network to Düsseldorf in Germany, Durban in South Afri- ca and increase frequency on flights to Paris from three to four weekly services. More people than ever are experiencing all that the Seychelles has to offer. In 2016, Air Sey- chelles flew more than 550,000 guests, mark- ing a new passenger milestone for the flag carri- er and surpassing its 2015 total passenger number of 522,873. Why not let the experts at Air Seychelles intro- duce you to the beauty of the sun-kissed islands, all with their inimitable Creole warmth, in 2017.
Kompanija nedavno unapredila luksuzni prijemni salon Vallée De Mai na međunarodnom aerodromu Sejšeli Air Seychelles’ recently upgraded the Vallée De Mai luxury premium lounge at Seychelles International Airport
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