Elevate February 2017 | Air Serbia

Trenutno je u centru pa- žnje zbog glavne role u filmu Vrati se, Zone . Priča o Zoni Zamfirovoj i Manetu kujundžiji bila je najgledanije domaće

ostvarenje svih vremena. Ljubavna saga i vrcavi go- vor južnjačke čaršije, koji je Stevan Sremac učinio bez- vremenim, a producent Miroslav Mitić najgledanijim srp- skim filmom, nastavlja se u filmu Zona Zamfirova drugi deo . Scenario koji oživljava taj duh, uz temu koja je bila aktuelna tada, a aktuelna je i sada, napisali su Ivana i Miroslav Mitić, koji potpisuje i produkciju. She is currently in the limelight for her lead role in the film “Come back, Zo- na”. The film about Zona Zamfirova and Mane Kujundžija became the most watched Serbian film of all time. This love saga and the sparkling speech of southern bazaars, which Stevan Sremac made timeless and produc- er Miroslav Mitić converted into the most watched Serbian film, continues in Zona Zamfirova Part Two. The screenplay, which further enlivens that spirit and addresses a theme that is as current today as it was then, was written by Iva- na and Miroslav Mitić, who are also the among film’s producers.

Obožava da putuje. Voli da odlazi u gradove u kojima nikad nije bila, a voli i da putuje po Srbiji. Veru- je da nas putovanja čine duševno bogatijim. Pu-

tovala je po Evropi, bila je u Americi, Rusiji, pa i u Si- biru. I to u zapadnom delu Sibira, u gradu Tomsku. To je mali, urbani grad, ali kaže da su sva okolna sela čarobna. Susrela se sa kozacima, osetila njihov način života… Nikada neće zaboraviti tamošnju hranu – ribu koja se lovi samo tamo. Mala je, ima mnogo kostiju, ali je ukusna. She adores travelling. She loves to go to cities where she’s never been be- fore, and she also loves to travel around Serbia. She believes that our trav- els make our souls richer. She has travelled throughout Europe and visit- ed America and Russia, where she even went to Siberia. And that was the western part of Siberia, the city of Tomsk. It is a small, urban city, but she says that all of the surrounding villages are magi- cal. She met local Cossacks and felt their way of life ... She will never forget the local food there – fish that is caught only there. It is small and has a lot of bones, but is tasty.


•Kafić Drinka u Kosovskoj ulici, pravo gradsko mesto. I za dnevnu kafu i za noćni provod. •Kalemegdan •Park Tašmajdan, volim da sedim na klupi, što bliže Crkvi Svetog Marka. Takođe, volim tamo da trčim uveče. •Skadarliju •Nušićevu ulicu, prelepa je, moja omiljena… U njoj se prostiru div- ne bašte, prelepe fasade... Magična je. •Hram Svetog Save


•The café-bar Drinka in Kosovska Street, a proper urban venue, both for daily cof- fee and for a night out. •Kalemegdan Fortress •Tašmajdan Park, where I like to sit on a bench, as close as possible to St. Marko’s Church. I also like to run there in the evenings. •Skadarlija Street •Nušićeva Street, which is beautiful, my favourite … In it are laid out wonderful gardens, beautiful façades… It is magical. •St. Sava Temple

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