Cirih Vatreni festival salse Od 24. do 26. februara Cirih e biti u znaku salse, plesa strasti i slobode. Tada e se u ciriškom Kongreshausu održati magični Festival salse, na kojem e biti organizovane radionice sa najboljim svetskim plesačima. Na festivalu e nastupiti i Tromboranga , salsa orkestar iz Barselone, i Džimi Boš, džez i salsa trombonista. Svako veče festivala rezervisano je za neizostavne salsa žurke, koje broje nekoliko stotina ljudi i traju do ranih jutarnjih časova.
Zurich Fiery Salsa Festival Zurich will be marked from 24 th to 26 th February by salsa, the dance of passi- on and freedom. During that time Zu- rich’s “Kongreshaus” will host the ma- gical Salsa Festival, which will include workshops with the world’s best dan- cers. Performing at the festival will be “Tromboranga”, the salsa orchestra from Barcelona, and Jimmy Bosch, jazz and salsa trombonist. Every evening of the festival is reserved for inevitable salsa parties, attended by several hun- dred people and lasting until the early hours of the morning.
Er Srbija leti 13 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Cirih
Air Serbia flies 13 times a week from Belgrade to Zurich
Pariz Obnavlja se Ajfelova kula
Paris Restoration of the Eiffel Tower
Stokholm Bilbord koji kašlje Kad pušači sa cigaretom prođu pored pojedinih bilborda u Stokholmu, dogodi se nešto neobično – muški model na bilbordu počinje da kašlje jer mu smeta dim. Nakon toga na svetle oj reklami počinje da se prikazuje spot sa proizvodima koji pušačima pomažu da ostave cigarete. Ovaj originalni način reklamiranja pokrenula je jedna švedska farmaceutska kompanija s ciljem da ohrabri ljude da prestanu da puše. Gradske vlasti Pariza izdvoji e oko 300 miliona evra za obnovu i modernizaciju čuvene Ajfelove kule. Polovina izdvojenog novca namenjena je za poslove održavanja tornja kao što su farbanje i popravka liftova, a druga polovina za modernizaciju. Ispred kule bi e napravljene i klupe na kojima e posetioci mo i da se sklone u slučaju kiše. Kada je kula sagrađena, davne 1889, mnogi Parižani smatrali su je za ruglo koje treba srušiti, a danas ima reputaciju jednog od remek–dela svetske arhitekture.
Paris’s city authorities are set to allocate aro- und 300 million euros for the reconstruction and modernisation of the famous Eiffel Tower. Half of the allocated funds are intended for maintenance of the tower, including pain- ting the structure and repairing its lifts, whi- le the other half will be used for its moder- nisation. Benches will also be placed in front of the tower, enabling visitors to take shelter in the case of rain. When the tower was built, way back in 1889, many Parisians considered it a blemish on the city that should be demo- lished, but today it has a reputation as one of the masterpieces of world architecture.
Er Srbija leti 13 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Pariz
Air Serbia flies 13 times a week from Belgrade to Paris
Stockholm Coughing billboard When a smoker with a cigarette passes by certain billboards in Stockholm, something unusual ha- ppens – a male model on the bill- board starts coughing, irritated by the smoke. This is followed by the screening of a video commercial on the billboard advertising pro- ducts that help smokers quit smo- king. This original advertising met- hod was launched by a Swedish pharmaceutical company with the aim of encouraging people to stop smoking.
Er Srbija leti 4 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Stokholm Air Serbia flies 4 times a week from Belgrade to Stockholm
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