Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun
U metropolama je uvek živo, pa tako i u našoj. Uz dobar plan, nećete propustiti ono što vas zanima
Metropolises are always alive, and so is ours. With a good plan, you will not miss out on whatever interests you
Ludilo u Hali sportova Spektakularna muzička i vokal- na grupa Gregorian dolazi u Beo- grad 8. februara u Halu sportova. Nažalost, biće ovo koncert u okvi- ru njihove oproštajne turneje. Ne- mačko-englesku grupu ne odliku- ju samo odlični glasovi i aranžmani već i vrhunski scenski nastupi. Craziness at the Hall of Sports The spectacular music and vo- cal group Gregorian is coming to Belgrade Hall of Sports on 8 th February. Unfortunately, this concert will form part of their final farewell tour. This German-English group is not only characterised by great voi- ces and arrangements, but also excellent live performances.
Legende slave 30. rođendan
Veče za pamćenje Hindi Zahra će, po prvi put u Srbi- ji, nastupiti u sklopu Musicology Barcaffe Sessions , 9. februara u klubu Bitefartcafe . Upoređivali su je sa Bili Holidej, Dženis Džoplin i Pati Smit. Sa malo bluza, džeza i neobičnog marokanskog etna Zahra je gotovo sama aranžirala i stvorila svoju muziku.
Legende će i ovog februara održati tradicionalni beogradski koncert. Tačan datum je 18. februar, a mesto dešavanja Centar Sava . Značaj ovog koncerta svakako povećava i proslava jubileja – 30 godina postojanja grupe. Osim velikih hitova, Legende će predstaviti i najnovije pesme. The Legends celebrate 30th anniversary The Legends will again hold the- ir traditional Belgrade concert in Fe- bruary. The exact date is 18 th Fe- bruary and the venue for the event is the Sava Centre. The significan- ce of this concert is certainly enhan- ced by the celebration of the jubi- lee marking 30 years of this group’s existence. Alongside their big hits, The Legends will also perform their latest songs.
Evening to remember
Hindi Zahra will perform in Ser- bia for the first time as part of the Musicology Barcaffe Sessi- ons on 9 th February at club Bi- tefartcafe. She has been compa- red to Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin and Patti Smith. With a bit of blues, jazz and unusual Moroc- can ethno music, Zahra has al- most singlehandedly arranged and created her own music.
Pikaso u Beogradu Nakon skoro sedam decenija od njenog prvog predstavljanja beo- gradska publika u galeriji Kuće legata , od 19. januara do 5. aprila, ima- će priliku da pogleda izložbu Pikaso – izbor dela iz Vollard Suite . Ova originalna postavka obuhvata 27 listova koji sadrže različite teme i 73 lista podeljena u pet tematskih celina: Ljubavna bitka, Skulptorov atelje, Rembrant, Minotaur i Slepi Minotaur , kao i tri portreta Ambro- za Volara. Izložba je otvorena za posetioce svakog dana, osim pone- deljka, od 10 do 21 h. Picasso in Belgrade Almost seven decades after it was first launched, the Belgrade pu- blic will finally get the opportunity to see the “Picasso – Selected works from the Vollard Suite” exhibition at the city’s Heritage Ho- use gallery from 19th January to 5th April. This original exhibition encompasses 27 sheets that contain different themes and 73 sheets divided into five thematic sections: Battle of Love, Sculptor’s stu- dio, Rembrandt, the Minotaur and the Blind Minotaur, as well as three portraits of Ambroise Vollard. The exhibition is open to visi- tors every day except Mondays, from 10am to 9pm
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