Spremite se za Guitar Art Festival Pod sloganom Integracije i ove godine Guitar Art Festival opravdaće status jednog od pet najvećih festivala gitare u svetu. Kroz 13 koncera- ta publici će se predstaviti atraktivan izbor svetskih muzičara iz obla- sti klasike, tanga, flamenka, rock & rolla i savremenog muzičkog stva- ralaštva. Svečano otvaranje održaće se u Zadužbini Ilije M. Kolarca 20. marta, kada će nastupiti argentinski maestro Roberto Aussel, Aleksan- dar Nikolić i kamerni orkestar Anima Musicae iz Mađarske. Živa legen- da svetske gitare iz Australije Tomi Emanuel nastupiće 23. marta Centru Sava . Preostale četiri koncertne večeri održaće se u Domu omladine, koji će i ove godine biti festivalski centar. Specijalno izdvajamo po prvi put u Srbiji trenutno najbolje predstavnike savremene španke scene Ul - tra High Flamenco sa plesačicom Rosario Toledo, tradicionalni grčki me- los Giorgos Georgopulus kvartet i nesvakidašnjeg beogradskog talenta Bojana Ivanovskog. Više informacija pronađite na www.gaf.rs. Get ready for the Guitar Art Festival Under the slogan “Integration”, this year’s Guitar Art Festival will once aga- in justify its status of one of the world’s five biggest guitar festivals. Throu- gh 13 concerts, the public will be presented with an attractive selection of world class musicians in the field of classical music, tango, flamenco, rock ‘n’ roll and modern music. The formal opening ceremony will be held at Ko- larac Foundation Hall on 20th March, featuring the performances of Argen- tine maestro Roberto Aussel, Aleksandar Nikolić and the Anima Musicae chamber orchestra from Hungary. Australian guitar legend, Tommy Emanu- el, will perform on 23 rd March at the Sava Centre. The remaining four con- cert evenings will be held at the Belgrade Youth Centre, which will be the centre of the festival again this year. We would highlight in particular the first performance in Serbia of currently the best representatives of the con- temporary Spanish scene, Ultra High Flamenco, featuring dancer Rosario Toledo, the traditional Greek folk music of the Giorgos Georgopulus Quar- tet and extraordinarily talented Belgrader Bojan Ivanovski. For more infor- mation visit www.gaf.rs.
Exhibition of Nordic glass The exhibition “A Touch of Glass” is being jointly orga- nised by the embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in Belgrade. This exhibition of modern Nor- dic glasswork will be exhibited in Belgrade’s Museum of Applied Art from 9 th February to 15 th March, after which it will move on to the Museum of Vojvodina, where it will be presented to the public from 21 st March to 20 th April. In many ways, the design presented through this ex- hibition reflects the society and the people of the Nor- dic region, as well as the influence of Nordic geography, history and values. Nordic design is characterised by sim- plicity, minimalism and functionality. In the specific ca- se of glass art, these values are reflected in its purity, cla- rity and modesty.
Izložba nordijskog stakla Izložbu Dodir stakla organizuju danska, finska, norveška i švedska ambasada u Beogradu. Ova postavka modernog nordijskog stakla biće izlo- žena u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti od 9. fe- bruara do 15. marta. Zatim se seli u Muzej Voj- vodine, gde će biti predstavljena publici od 21. marta do 20. aprila. Na mnogo načina dizajn na ovoj izložbi odra- žava društvo i ljude u regionu, kao i uticaj nor- dijske geografije, istorije i vrednosti. Nordij- ski dizajn odlikuje jednostavnost, minimalizam i funkcionalnost. U konkretnom slučaju, kada je u pitanju staklo u umetnosti, ogleda se u nje- govoj čistoti, jasnosti i skromnosti.
Otvorio se Polet Ponovo radi kafana Polet . Za Beograđane i sve koji su voleli ovo mesto na Cvetnom trgu ovo je velika vest. Polet je bio sastajalište mnogih važnih ljudi, i tako pune 63 godine. Ljudi su uživali u atmosferi, hrani, posebno giricama. Služe ih danas. Polet has opened Kafana tavern Polet is working again. This is big news for Bel- graders and everyone who liked this venue on Cvetni Trg. Polet was a meeting place for many important people for a full 63 ye- ars. People enjoyed the atmosphere and the food, especially the girica, fried sprats. They are now once-again being served.
Sedam veličanstvenih Ovog meseca uživaće ljubitelji filma. U Cen- tru Sava počinje 13. Festival evropskog du- gometražnog dokumentarnog filma Sedam Veličanstvenih . Trajaće od 1. do 7. februara. The Magnificent Seven Film enthusiasts will enjoy this month. The festival of European feature-length documentaries, called “The Magnificent Seven”, opens at the Sava Centre and runs from 1 st to 7 th February.
Kolarac, dobra ideja U velikoj dvorani Kolarčeve zadužbine 3. marta nastupiće Beogradska filhar- monija u 20 časova. Vrsni muzičari raz- galiće vam dušu sjajnim repertoarom. Kolarac, a good idea The Belgrade Philharmonic will per- form in the great hall of Kolarac En- dowment on 3 rd March at 8pm. These excellent musicians will regale your soul with their fantastic repertoire.
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