P ozlaćena statua je posle go- tovo 90 godina izgradila status najuticajnije, najvaž- nije, najzvučnije nagrade u filmskoj industriji. Ako ste oven- čani Oskarom, kažu, osuđeni ste na uspeh. Tako ne čudi da statui- cu svi žele toliko da mogu postati i predmet surovih šala, kao, na pri- mer, prošle godine Leonardo Dika- prio, koji ga je tada konačno i dobio. Nije Oskar uvek išao u ruke naj- boljima. Nekima je godinama izmi- cao, pa su ih na kraju dobijali kao utešnu nagradu za ne baš najbolje uloge. Glumica Džudi Denč, na pri- mer, nije dobila Oskara 1998. godine za najbolju glavnu glumicu u filmu Gospođa Braun , u kojem je blista- la, ali ga je već sledeće godine do- bila za najbolju sporednu ulogu u Zaljubljenom Šekspiru , u kojem se pojavljuje ukupno osam minuta! Ne tako davno dogodilo se slično, kada je film Martina Skorsezea Dvostru- ka igra dobio četiri glavna Oskara i kada je proglašen za film godine. Dvostruka igra je solidno ostvarenje, ali ni prineti Taksisti ili filmu Nju- jork, Njujork , ranijim Skorsezeovim filmovima, za koje nije nagrađen. T his gilded statuette has, after al- most 90 years, built up its status as the most influential, most impor- tant and most prominent award in the film industry. If you are crowned with an Oscar, they say, you are destined for suc- cess. Thus it is not surprising that everyone wants one of these statuettes so much that they can become the subject of crude jokes, such as, for example, Leonardo di Caprio last year, who finally received his. Oscars haven’t always ended up in the hands of the best. They have eluded some for years, only for them to finally receive one as a consolation prize for something that was not quite their best role. Actress Judi Dench, for example, did not win the Best Actress Oscar in 1998 for her perfor- mance in the film “Mrs Brown” in which she shone, but the following year she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in the film “Shakespeare in Love”, in which she appears for a total of eight minutes! Something similar happened not so long ago, when Martin Scorsese’s film“The De- parted”won four major Academy Awards and was declared the film of the year.“The
UJKA OSKAR Ni u samoj Akademiji nisu sasvim sigurni kad je reč o poreklu naziva Oskar. Najpoznatija je verzija pri- če (koja se jedina i pominje na sajtu Akademije) da je prvi put kad je videla kako će nagrada izgleda- ti, 1931. godine, Margaret Herik (tada bibliotekarka, a kasnije i izvršna direktorka Akademije), rekla da joj statua liči na njenog ujaka. Tako je Oskar Pirs, farmer iz Teksasa, ni kriv ni dužan zauvek ušao u filmsku istoriju. UNCLE OSCAR Even at the Academy they are not quite sure abo- ut the origin of the title “Oscar”. The best known ver- sion of the story (which is also the only one menti- oned on the Academy’s website) claims that when the image of the award was first seen in 1931 by Margaret Herrick (then librarian and later executi- ve director of the Academy) she said that the statu- ette resembled her uncle. Thus, without lifting a fin- ger, Oscar Pierce, a farmer from Texas, entered the history of film forever.
Tekst / Words: Tatjana Čanak Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia
Zbog njega se plače, histerično smeje, oblači najbolja garderoba, lobira, ogovara, mesecima priča, godinama seća... O njemu se sanja He causes people to cry, laugh hysterically, wear their best clothes, lobby, gossip, talk for months and remember for years... He is dreamed about
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