Oni prave kosti, hrskavicu i krvne sudove, ali napreduju i s komplikovanijim organima, kao što su pluća i mišići They create bone, cartilage and blood vessels, but they are also making progress with more complicated organs, such as lungs and muscles
ing medicines in heart muscle cultures) and “MatriTek”(biomaterials produced from nat- ural fibres). – I made the laboratory in the complex of the medical school, hospital and institute, because the nature of the work we do is such that it is essential for us to be close to doctors and patients. We have about 35 re- searchers: bioengineers, electrical engineers, biologists, doctors, surgeons, experts in ma- terials, and everything we do is only possible in cooperation with these different and com-
ative medicine, in departments of bioengi- neering and chemical engineering. Later she was selected by the Medical Department of the American Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Inven- tors, the European Academy and the Serbi- an Academy of Arts and Sciences. – This recognition comes by itself. I love what I do, and I was lucky to find myself in an environment that supports the spirit of cooperation between science and entrepre- neurship and young talent, which is brought to us by new generations of students. She fell in love with
plementary disciplines. Students at Columbia are great. They come from all over the world, including Serbia, and each of them brings something fresh and new; their own cul- ture and their inevitable accent from which we are never liberated. Gordana is also proud of the fact that our Pupin
Students at Columbia are great. They come from all over the world, including Serbia, and each of them brings something fresh and new
New York City at first sight, seeing it as a big version of Belgrade. However, she says she has not felt such energy in any other place. - Every morning Man- hattan “inhales” several million people who come to work. We live on Broad-
also used to lecture at Columbia Universi- ty, whose laboratory is still preserved and whose name is carried by one of the build- ings in the complex. – Here Tesla also held many of his most important engineering lectures in the last century, at which he first demonstrated his three-phase motor. His bust still stands with- in the circle of the college. This scientist of ours is also the recip- ient of many prestigious awards of NASA, but also Clemson Awards. She has under- taken more than 100 research projects and amassed 44 patents. – I experienced the selection of the Engi- neering Department of the American Acade- my of Sciences as a tremendous honour and recognition for the profession I deal with. I was selected for my contribution to tissue engineering and its application in regener-
way, Upper West Side, where it is noisy and interesting. Everything we need is locat- ed on the next corner. We live in an apart- ment, with a life that is more akin to Bel- grade than America. We don’t have a car; we go everywhere on foot and by public transportation, buying only for today. We still cook, for ourselves and for guests. In New York we love everything, our neigh- bourhood, the opera, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge and along the High Line in Lower Manhattan, Central Park and res- taurants. Of course, our favourite place is Kafana, which is owned by Vlada Ocokoljić, where the food is fantastic and where we can listen to our music. Branko and I have a third house, in Miami. There our son, Staša, lives and works as a doctor. We go there regularly because our granddaughter, Ma- rina, has made our life more beautiful.
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