Ne propustite smenu
garde ispred Bakingemske palate, to je prava atrakcija Don’t miss the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, it’s a real attraction
kets, then Covent Garden, with its vari- ety of large and small theatres and bou- tiques. One of my favourite stages is that of Sadler’s Wells Theatre, where I watched some of the most beautiful contempo- rary ballet performances. I also cannot leave out the fantastic Victoria and Al- bert Museum, the British Museum, and of course the chain of Curzon Cinemas, which screen an incredibly eclectic selec- tion of films. Otherwise, Londoners love to spend time in the cinema, theater, op- era, ballet, restaurants, pubs, to walk be- side the Thames ... They have a specific lifestyle. The day begins with the obligatory break- fast, although dinner is also important to them. The English cooked breakfast includes fried eggs, bacon, mushrooms, fried tomatoes, baked beans and sausag- es, while dinner is usually served at around seven in the evening. As a rule, it consists of cooked or roast dishes. It is interest- ing that Londoners usually eat light sal- ads or sandwiches for lunch, while the custom of tea at five is only practiced by older generations. Here you can find food from all cor- ners of the world. Indian curry was the favourite British dish for a very long time, which testifies to how many different in- fluences shape British culinary culture. Of course, that is all to do with history and demographics. Healthy food is current- ly trendy, as it is in the rest of the world. There are mostly vegetarian restaurants, which have been made into a serious busi- ness. I most like the small, secluded res- taurants of East London, where you can find fantastic food that is also often very exotic. Of the national dishes, for me the tastiest is roast lamb with Yorkshire pud- ding (a type of pastry) and meat gravy with boiled vegetables on the side. That is also traditional Sunday lunch in Lon- don. When it comes to desserts, my fa- vourite is trifle, a dessert that wins over many people who don’t like sweets.
Na Londonce čovek može da se osloni. Njihova reč ima ozbiljnu težinu, toliku da su do pre nekog vremena i poslovni ugovori mogli da se sklapaju na datu reč
A person can rely on Londoners. Their word carries serious weight, so much so that until some time ago business contracts could be concluded by way of a given word
Trafalgar skver
Trafalgar Square
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