Tekst / Words: Ašok Murti Fotografije / Photography: Getty Images, Profimedia
From 24 th February this year until 2019, you can visit London’s Kensington Palace to see the dresses in which Princess Diana shone. Many of them carried the epithet of cult creations
Od 24. februara pa sve do 2019. u londonskoj Kensington palati možete videti haljine u kojima je blistala princeza Dajana. Mnoge od njih ponele su epitet kultnih N esporno je da je Dajana Spenser volela modu i da je umela da se igra njo- me. Ali ispod ove površ- ne i frivolne fasciniranosti postojala je i jasna svest o tome koliku moda ima moć i koliko je ona važan alat u manipulisanju javnošću. Mislim da je baš ta mera kojom je princeza od Velsa koristila ova dva aspekta mode ono što je čini ikonom stila. Kako je njen život postajao kom- pleksniji, tako se menjao i njen odabir odeće. Ako čak apstrahujemo vreme koje je provela kao supruga prestolo- naslednika Čarlsa i kada je, po pro- tokolu, bila obavezna da nosi samo proizvode britanskih dizajnera i kon-
I t is undisputable that Diana Spencer loved fashion and knew how to play with it. But beneath this superficial and frivolous fascination she had a clear awareness of how much power fashion has and how important it is as a tool for manipulating the public. I think it is pre- cisely the measure with which the Princess of Wales used these two aspects of fash- ion that made her a style icon. The style of Lady Di was not some- thing that was fixed from the moment she first appeared on the public scene. On the contrary, her style evolved, just as she also evolved. As her life became more complex, so her choice of clothing changed. Even if we disregard the time she spent as the wife of the heir to the British throne, when,
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