M eet Belgrade from the perspec- tive of Aleksandar Matić, a pho- tographer who enjoys huge popularity on social networks. His Instagram profile is followed by more than 12 thousand people. They have all gathered around his albums, which are dominated by photographs of Belgrade. -From the start I put my own pictures on my profile. I didn’t have any special tactic for gaining followers. Everything happened spontaneously. His greatest motivation was his followers, who grew in number day by day. He doesn’t know how. -I believe that when you do something with love, that love returns to you sooner or later. I often get messages from friends and followers saying that I inspire them with my photos and they can feel my passion. Aleksandar likes urban landscape pho- tographs taken during sunsets, or as pho- tographers say, during the “golden” and “blue” hours. -The golden period is when the sun be- gins to set, while the blue moment is when the sun has gone down but complete dark- ness has not yet fallen. Then the city is bathed in the most beautiful colours that inspire me to create – says Alexander. He likes to discover new ways of fram- ing of Belgrade, which is why he often plans specific and unusual locations in advance. He sometimes behaves like a tourist in his hometown, spontaneously capturing images while walking. By profession, Alexander is a brand manager in the IT sector, while he has ventured into the world of photography as a hobby, using an old“Samsung”digital camera. -At the start I couldn’t have imagined that I would seriously deal with this work, although I always felt this tendency was hidden deep within me. From the first time I touched the camera I was thrilled by the freedom that flooded over me when pho- tographing various scenes. Over time, he realised that he needed more modern equipment in order to be able to fully express his creativity. He soon bought a professional camera, and so began his un- usual photographic story. -Photography is a universal language. Today cameras are available to everyone and I wanted to separate myself from the mass- es. That’s why I put a lot of effort into my ed- ucation and training. Aleksandar has not yet had his own solo exhibition, but his photographs have been published on many international and local websites. He is planning an exhibition in the near future.
Aleksandar najviše voli da slika pejzažne gradske fotografije, i to kada sunce zalazi
Aleksandar most likes to shoot urban landscape photography, and to do so when the sun is setting
1. Pobednik na Kalemegdanu poput strip junaka 2. Most na Adi i jedan avion 3. Svetlucavi Trg Nikole Pašića 4. Hram Sv. Save iz zanimljivog ugla 5. Na prelepoj panorami vidi se Savski plato, most na Adi i Stari železnički most 6. Uobičajeni dan u Nemanjinoj 7. Pogled na Beton halu i Sabornu crkvu 1. Kalemegdan’s Victor, like a comic strip hero; 2. Ada Bridge and an aeroplane; 3. A glittering Nikola Pašić Square; 4. St. Sava Temple from an interesting angle; 5. This beautiful panorama offers views of the Sava plateau, Ada Bridge and the Old Railway Bridge; 6. A typical day in Nemanjina Street; 7. A view of Beton Hala (Concrete Hall) and the Cathedral Church
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