P osle tmurne i kišovite jese- ni, već početkom januara Bo- kom Kotorskom dune bura i preseče prekratak dan, a za- uzvrat iznedri kristalnoplavo nebo i vazduh toliko čist da se kao nikada tokom godine (sa izuzetkom proleća) osetite zdravim, čilim i za život spre- mnim. Usred evropske zime, u ovom malom plavo–zelenom ćošku sveta i bogato i siromašno sa istim žarom i pravom uživa u besplatnom luksuzu lenjog ispijanja kafe u kratkim rukavi- ma pored mora i premeštanju sa sto- lice na stolicu da sunce „duže traje“. Primorski gradovi su tih dana ide- alne kulise za ono što Italijani zovu vita bella – lep, jednostavan život, da- leko od užurbanih, zakrčenih i ozno- jenih jula i avgusta, a svega je taman koliko treba – i sunca, i vetra, i ljudi, i razgovora. Ne priča se mnogo, ali kaže se ono što treba, i to kratkom i britkom reče-
A fter a gloomy and rainy au- tumn, the beginning of Janu- ary in the Bay of Kotor brings a gale and cuts the too-short day, and in response a crystal blue sky emerges and the air is so clean that, like no other time during the year (with the exception of spring), one feels healthy, invigorated and ready for life. In the mid- dle of the European winter, in this small blue-green corner of the world, both rich and poor alike, with the same zeal and right, enjoy the free luxury of lazily sip- ping coffee by the sea in short sleeves, and moving from chair to chair for the sun to “last longer”. During these days, coastal towns provide the ideal backdrop for what the Italians call “vita bella” – a beauti- ful, simple life, far from the busy, con- gested and sweaty Julys and Augusts, and everything is just as it should be – the sun, and the wind, and the people, and the conversations. Not a lot of talking is done,
nicom posle pitanja: „Ke nova?“, jer niko ko istinski uživa ne želi da kvari igru tišine, mora i sun- ca u kojoj je svaka misao jasna. To su dani koje primor- ci ljubomorno čuvaju za sebe i probrane goste. Ubrzo će ih smeniti užurbana karnevalska atmosfera, jer početkom febru- ara širom sveta počinje sezona karnevala, a u Herceg Novom Praznik mimoze. Karavan neimara je stigao na to parče obale prvi put u 14. veku. Poslao ih je bosanski kralj Tvrtko Prvi da sagrade luku u kojoj će trgovati solju. Legenda kaže da su neimari na tlu današ- njeg Herceg Novog spazili pre- divan cvet i da su zidali pored njega pazeći da mu nijedna lati- ca ne otpadne. U gradu, nekoli- ko vekova kasnije, zahvaljujući pomorcima i odličnoj mikrokli- mi, uspeva više od 200 vrsta
Legend has it that the builders spotted a beautiful flower on the territory of today’s Herceg Novi and decided to build next to it, making sure not to damage a single petal Legenda kaže da su neimari na tlu današnjeg Herceg Novog spazili predivan cvet i da su zidali pored njega pazeći da mu nijedna latica ne otpadne
but the right things are said. And they are said in the shortest and most biting possible sentenc- es “Wha new?”, because no one who knows true enjoyment wants to ruin the dance of silence, sea and sun, in which every thought is clear. These are the days that the coastal folk jealously protect for themselves and selected guests. They will soon be replaced by a busy carnival atmosphere, be- cause carnival season starts around the world in early February, and in Herceg Novi the Mimosa Fes- tival is held. A caravan of builders first ar- rived on this stretch of coastline in the 14 th century. Sent by Bosnian King Tvrtko I, they were tasked with building a port where salt would be traded. Legend has it that the builders spotted a beautiful flow-
Početak januara u Boki protiče u igri tišine, mora i sunca, a već u februaru stižu maškare, feštađuni i fešte od ribe i vina At the start of January the Bay of Kotor flows in a dance of silence, sea and sun. And already in February arrive masks, fests and feasts of fish and wine
cveća iz svih krajeva sveta, među nji- ma i žuto–zlatni Acacia dealbata, po- znatiji kao mimoza. Ideja o prazniku mimoze kao kar- nevalskoj svečanosti, koja usred zi- me treba da privuče turiste u Herceg
er on the territory of today’s Herceg No- vi and decided to build next to it, mak- ing sure not to damage a single petal. A few centuries later, thanks to sailors and an excellent microclimate, the city bloomed with more than 200 species of
Tekst / Words: Jelena Tušup Fotografije / Photography: TO Herceg Novi, Slaven Fanfai
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