Elevate February 2017 | Air Serbia

poslužite se / Dine&wine

što sam dobila ozbiljan izliv šećera u mozak i nabacila jedno tri kilograma, imala sam favorite. U šuškavom ce- lofanu čokoladne bombonice kakve možete da kupite samo i isključivo u Emiratima. Ipak, ovaj slatkiš, koji je možda nešto najuskusnije slatko što sam ikad probala, zapravo je interna- cionalna kombinacija. Urma iz Saudij- ske Arabije krije badem iz Kaliforni- je, a umočena je u najbolju belgijsku čokoladu! Savršeno! Urmina palma je, inače, sinonim za oazu. Ova biljka pruža utočište putni- cima i jedina je voćka koja može čove- ku da pomogne da preživi u pustinji. U prošlosti su je zvali hleb pustinje, a u starom veku je bila simbol plodno- sti. Beduinima su urme glavna hrana i jedu ih u kombinaciji sa kamiljim mle- kom. Mogu da se konzumiraju sveže ili sušene, od njih se prave džem i si- rup, dodaju se u kolače, napitke, voć- ne salate i pića. Ono što arapsku kuhinju razliku- je od ostalih verovatno je misteriozno sjedinjavanje začina i mešanje razli- čitih ukusa. Mada ljubitelji mesa ne- će oskudevati u delikatesima borave- ći u Abu Dabiju, shvatila sam da bih u ovom gradu lako i bezbolno mogla da postanem vegetarijanac. Isposta- vilo se da ne mogu da se najedem hu- musa i falafela, a ni tabule ni fatuš ni- su preživeli! Ali da pređemo s reči na dela – napravite, probajte, uživajte! TABULE POTREBNO JE: 1 šolja vode, 1/2 šolje bu- lgura, 1/4 šolje soka od limuna, 2 kašike ekstradevičanskog maslinovog ulja, 1/2 kašičice belog luka u prahu, 1/4 kašičice soli, mleveni crni biber po želji, 2 šolje iseckanog svežeg peršuna (oko 2 vezi- ce), 1/4 šolje iseckanih svežih listića na- ne, 2 paradajza isečena na kockice, ma- nji krastavac isečen na kockice, 2 manje glavice crnog luka, sitno iseckane PRIPREMA: Sipajte bulgur u vodu i ostavite da provri, pa sklonite sa va- tre, pokrijte i ostavite da odstoji dok ne upije svu vodu i ne omekša, oko 25 minuta. Ako preostane vode, procedi- te ga. Prebacite u veliku činiju i ostavi- te da se hladi 15 minuta. U manjoj čini- ji pomešajte sok od limuna, beli luk u prahu, so i biber. Sipajte peršun, nanu, paradajz, krastavac i crni luk u bulgur. Prelijte pripremljenim prelivom i pro- mešajte. Ohladite pre serviranja.

them. After I’d experienced a serious sugar rush to the brain and put on about three kilograms, I had my favourite. Chocolate sweets wrapped in rustling cellophane the likes of which can only be bought in the Emirates. However, these sweets, which are perhaps the tastiest sweets I’ve ever tasted, are actually an international com- bination. Dates from Saudi Arabia, hiding almonds from California, coated in the best Belgian chocolate! Perfect! The date palm tree is actually a syno- nym for the oasis. This tree provides shel- ter to travellers and is the only fruit that can help people survive in the wilderness. It used to be referred to as the bread of the desert, and in ancient times it was a symbol of fertility. Dates are the main food of the Bedouin people and they eat them in combination with camel’s milk. They can be eaten fresh or dried, are used to make jam and syrup, can be added to cakes, smoothies, fruit salads and drinks. What differentiates Arabic cuisine from others is probably the mysterious incorporating of spices and mixing of dif- ferent flavours. And although meat lov- ers will not find anything lacking in these delicacies, while I was staying in Abu Dha- bi I realised that I could easily and pain- lessly become a vegetarian in this city. It turns out that I cannot eat my fill of hu- mus and falafel, while the tabbouleh and fattoush didn’t survive either! However, let’s move from words to deeds – make, try, enjoy! TABBOULEH REQUIREMENTS: cup of water, ½ a cup of bulgur, ¼ of a cup of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, ½ a teaspoon of garlic powder, ¼ of a teas- poon of salt, ground black pepper to ta- ste, 2 cups of freshly chopped parsley (about 2 bunches), ¼ of a cup of freshly chopped mint leaves, 2 tomatoes cut in- to cubes, a small cucumber cut into cu- bes, 2 small onions, finely chopped PREPARATION: Pour the bulgur into wa- ter and bring to the boil, remove from the heat, cover and leave to stand un- til it absorbs all the water and softens, about 25 minutes. If excess water rema- ins, strain the bulgur. Transfer to a large bowl and leave to cool for 15 minutes. In a small bowl, mix the lemon juice, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Pour into the bulgur parsley, mint, tomato, cucumber and onion. Pour over the prepared sau- ce and stir. Chill before serving.

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