Elevate April 2019 | Air Serbia




Ovaj inteligentni i provokativni umetnik iz Italije prvi put je pose- tio Beograd 2009. godine. Radio je širom sveta, ali najupečatljivije murale ostavljao je u Latinskoj Americi i Evropi. On očigledno pose- duje poseban osećaj za mesto i prostor jer gde god se pojavi, uspe- va da za veoma kratko vreme odgonetne šta je to što taj grad i njegove stanovnike muči. Upravo zbog toga smatraju ga kontrover- znim, pa mu gradske vlasti nisu uvek naklonjene, ali nasuprot njima, građani ga obožavaju jer je jedan od retkih koji prikazuju realnost u njenom najsurovijem obliku. Mi smo dobili grad koji je pojeo svoje zelenilo. To nije samo jednostavna izjava: „Nemate dovoljno drve- ća“, već ukazuje na suštinske probleme i ekološku zaostalost. Može se reći da je ovo jedan od najznačajnijih murala koji su ikada oslika- ni u Beogradu.

This intelligent and provocative Italian artist visited Belgrade for the rst time in 2009. He’s worked all over the world, but left his most memora- ble murals in Latin America and Europe. He obviously possesses a spe- cial sense for places and spaces, because wherever he appears he suc- ceeds, in a very short period of time, to gure out what troubles the city and its inhabitants. It is precisely for this reason that he’s considered con- troversial, meaning city authorities are not always accommodating to- wards him, while in contrast citizens adore him, because he is among the few who portray reality in its rawest form. We got a city that’s eating its greenery. This is not just the simple statement “you don’t have enough trees”, but rather highlights an essential problem and ecological back- wardness. This can be said to be one of the most important murals ever painted in Belgrade.

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