Elevate April 2019 | Air Serbia

SAN  ZABORAVLJENI KLJUČ DUGOVEČNOSTI! SCHLARAFIA vam otkriva zašto je važno imati kvalitetan odmor ŠTA NE ZNAMO O SPAVANJU? Premda sve biološke funkcije spavanja nisu u potpunosti razjašnje- ne, svi znamo da je san važan, i to ne samo dužina već i kvalitet vreme- na provedenog u snu. Metju Voker, profesor neuronauka i psihologije na UB Berkli, u knjizi Zašto spavamo? Razotkrivanje moći sna i snova skre- će pažnju na narušavanje životnog veka koji je povezan sa činjenicom da

SLEEP  THE FORGOTTEN KEY TO LONGEVITY! SCHLARAFIA reveals why it’s important to have high-quality rest WHAT DON’T WE KNOW ABOUT SLEEP? Despite the fact that not all biological functions of sleep are fully understood, we all know that sleep is important, and not just in terms of the length of time spent sleeping, but also its quality. Matthew Walker Ph.D., professor of neuroscience and psychology at UC Berkeley, writing in the book“Why we sleep? Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams”, draws at- tention to the reduction of longevity associated with the fact that man is the only biological species that deprives himself of sleep unjustiably. This has prompted the World Health Organisation to declare an epidemic in lack of sleep among industrialised nations. Many factors exist that compromise the physiology of sleep, and among healthy people an in- adequate surface for sleep is the most common reason why time spent sleeping doesn’t achieve its purpose.


Considering that a bed is the item of furniture that we use the most, buying a surface on which to sleep mustn’t be an arbitrary choice. A mattress should be tested, and precise- ly in the way that it is used – by lying on it. Two main crite- ria exist when it comes to buying a good mattress: that it is produced to superior quality and that it suits the customer! As such, familiarity with the technology and characteristics

je čovek jedina biološka vrsta koja sebe neopravdano lišava sna. Stoga je Svet- ska zdravstvena organizacija proglasi- la epidemiju manjka sna među indu- strijalizovanim nacijama. Postoji mnogo faktora koji kompro- mituju fiziologiju sna, a u zdravih lju- di neadekvatna podloga za spavanje je najčešći uzrok toga da vreme pro- vedeno u snu ne ostvaruje svoju svrhu. KAKO IZABRATI PODLOGU ZA SPAVANJE? Imajući u vidu da je postelja ele- ment pokućstva koji najviše koristimo, onda i kupovina podloge za spavanje

ne sme biti proizvoljna. Madrac valja probati, i to upravo onako kako se i koristi – ležeći. Dva su glavna kriterijuma za kupovinu dobrog dušeka: da je vrhunske izrade i da kupcu odgovara! Stoga je poznavanje tehno- logije i odlika svih elemenata madraca (naročito ručno rađenih koma- da), kao i prepoznavanje individualnih potreba klijenta i njegovih navi- ka tokom spavanja presudno za pružanje adekvatnog saveta. Schlarafia više od 80 godina proizvodi dušeke zanatskim umećem na način koji je svojevrstan spoj tradicije i implementacije savremenih znanja, a za glav- ne konsultante ima zajednički pridruženi tim lekara različitih specijalno- sti okupljen sa ciljem da se iznedre inovativni proizvodi u svrhu zdravog ambijenta za spavanje. Kako nismo svi isti, kupovina postelje mora biti personalizovana, a u Schlarafia salonima iskusni prodavci pomažu da izbor krevetnine zadovo- lji lične kriterijume svakog ponaosob.

of all elements of the mattress (especially when it comes to handmade examples), as well as an ability to recognise the individual needs of a client and their habits during sleep, is crucial when it comes to oering adequate advice. Schlara- a has spent more than 80 years producing mattresses with skilled craftsmanship in a way that combines tradition and the application of modern knowhow, while its main consult- ants comprise an associated team of various specialist doctors who are brought together with the goal of developing inno- vative products that provide a healthy ambiance for sleep. Given that we’re not all the same, purchasing a bed must be personalised, and the experienced sales sta at Schlara- a’s salons help to ensure the choice of beds meets the per- sonal criteria of each individual.

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