Elevate April 2019 | Air Serbia


Tivat Domaćin svetske regate

Tivat World regatta host

Club Porto Montenegro will host the prestigious world RC44 sailing regat- ta from 10 th to 14 th April. This regat- ta is interesting for its rule stipulat- ing that 50 per cent of the crew of each vessel should be composed of professional sailors, while the oth- er 50 per cent must be amateurs in this sport. As such, this tour allows everyone to operate under the men- torship of the best sailors and to learn the nesses of conquering the winds. The RC44 regatta is a fantastic opportunity to launch the nautical season in the Mediterranean.

Klub Porto Montenegro biće domaćin prestižne svetske RC44 jedriličarske regate od 10. do 14. aprila. Ono što je zanimljivo za ovu regatu jeste da je pravilo da 50 odsto posade svake jedrilice čine profesionalni jedriličari, a 50 odsto amateri u tom sportu. Tako tura omogućava svima da budu pod mentorstvom najboljih jedriličara i nauče finese u savladavanju vetra. RC44 regata je fantastična prilika da se započne nautička sezona na Mediteranu.

Er Srbija leti 14 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Tivat

Air Serbia flies 14 times a week from Belgrade to Tivat

Prag Tri koncerta Boba Dilana

Prague Three Bob Dylan concerts

Bob Dylan, American music legend and one of the greatest singer/songwriters of the 20 th century, is again touring, at the age of 77. Audiences in Prague will have the opportunity to enjoy his concerts on 7 th , 8 th and 9 th April in the Lucerna Palace Great Hall. Through his wonderful lyrics, Dylan has – throughout his career – voiced his rebellion against the politics and social dogmas of his time, addressing problems of religion and faith, while also singing about love. His songs are timeless, while his original voice and style are an inspiration for people around the world.

Bob Dilan, legenda američke muzičke scene i jedan od najvećih kantautora 20. veka, u svojoj 77. godini ponovo je na turneji. Publika u Pragu imaće priliku da uživa u njegovim koncertima 7, 8. i 9. aprila u velikoj dvorani palate Lucerna. Kroz svoje divne tekstove Dilan je tokom cele karijere izražavao bunt protiv politike i društvenih dogmi njegovog vremena, govorio je o problemima religije i vere, pevao o ljubavi. Njegove pesme su vanvremenske, a originalan glas i stil su inspiracija za ljude širom sveta.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Prag

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Prague

Venecija Knjižara na vodi

Venice Bookshop on the water Alongside countless other attractions in Venice, there is also one of the most original bookshops in the world - “Libreria Acqua Alta”, which has been a veritable magnet for locals and tourists alike for more than 10 years. Rows and piles of books of various genres are arranged in rowing boats, gondolas, bathtubs, troughs, i.e. all objects that float. So when Venice floods, the work of this unique bookshop isn’t disrupted.

Osim brojnih atrakcija, u Veneciji se nalazi i jedna od najoriginalnijih knjižara na svetu – Librerija Akva Alta , koja više od 10 godina predstavlja pravi magnet za lokalno stanovništvo i turiste. Redovi i gomile knjiga raznih žanrova poređani su u čamcima, gondolama, kadama, koritima, to jest u svim predmetima i objektima koji mogu da plutaju, tako da kad Venecija biva poplavljena, to ne remeti rad ove jedinstvene knjižare.

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Veneciju

Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Venice

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