Elevate April 2019 | Air Serbia


Rim Nova gradska atrakcija Largo di Tore Argentina, istorijski lokalitet u glavnom gradu Italije, poznat i kao mesto na kojem je ubijen Gaj Julije Cezar 44. godine pre naše ere, otvoriće vrata za posetioce do 2021. godine, najavila je Virđinija Rađi, gradonačelnica Rima. Na tom mestu trenutno se nalaze samo ruševine, koje je potrebno restaurirati, a plan je i da iznad lokaliteta budu izgrađene platforme za posetioce. Inače, novac za restauriranje tog lokaliteta donirao je modni brend Bulgari , koji je pre nekoliko godina platio i restauraciju Španskih stepenica.

Rome New city attraction

Largo di Torre Argentina, an histor- ic square in the Italian capital, also known as the place where Gaius Ju- lius Caesar was murdered in 44 BC, will open its doors to visitors by 2021, an- nounced Mayor of Rome Virginia Rag- gi. Only ruins requiring restoration can currently be found in this place, while the plan is to construct plat- forms for visitors above the site. Inter- estingly, the funds for the site’s resto- ration were donated by luxury brand Bulgari, which also funded the resto- ration of the city’s Spanish Steps a few years ago.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Rim

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Rome

Kopenhagen Evropska silicijumska dolina


European Silicon Valley

The Danish authorities have decided to create nine artificial islands that they hope will sprout into a European Silicon Valley. The new island industrial zone on the southern coast of Copenhagen should be completed by 2040, with the first islands to penetrate the sea’s surface in 2022. The goal of the Holmene Project is to increase the attractiveness of the Danish capital in the eyes of the business world, while the project is also expected to solve the land shortage problem in the Danish capital.

Danske vlasti odlučile su da naprave devet veštačkih ostrva, na kojima će, kako se nadaju, nići evropska silicijumska dolina. Nova ostrvska industrijska zona na južnoj obali Kopenhagena trebalo bi da bude gotova do 2040. godine, a prva ostrva probiće površinu mora 2022. godine. Cilj projekta Holmene jeste povećanje privlačnosti danske prestonice u očima poslovnog sveta, a smatra se i da će projekat rešiti problem manjka zemljišta u glavnom gradu Danske.

Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Kopenhagen Air Serbia flies 6 times a week from Belgrade to Copenhagen

Moskva Zlatna maska

Moscow Golden mask

The most important dates in the annual Moscow theatre calendar are noted on a poster with an announcement of the plays competing for the prestigious Golden Mask award. The festival and theatre award of the same name bring together the best plays of the previous season, while non-competing foreign plays can also be seen. This year’s central award ceremony for this most prestigious Russian theatre award will be held on 16 th April at the magnificent Bolshoi Theatre.

Najvažniji datumi moskovskog pozorišnog kalendara svake godine zapisani su na plakatu s najavom predstava koje konkurišu za prestižnu nagradu Zlatna maska. Istoimeni festival i pozorišna nagrada okupljaju najbolje predstave prethodne sezone, a van konkurencije mogu se videti i strana ostvarenja. Ove godine, domaćin centralne ceremonije uručivanja najprestižnije ruske pozorišne nagrade će 16. aprila biti veličanstveni Boljšoj teatar.

Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Moskvu

Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Moscow

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