Elevate April 2019 | Air Serbia


The Prime Minister opened the Work area for travellers at Nikola Tesla Airport, which was conceived by the national platform Serbia Creates Premijerka otvorila radni prostor za putnike na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“, koji je osmislila nacionalna platforma „Serbia creates“

S rbija nije zemlja jeftine radne snage već pametnih, kre- ativnih ljudi, zemlja koja će, sigurna sam, biti jedan od pobednika četvrte industrijske revolucije i zemlja koja će napraviti iskorak, rekla je premijerka Ana Brnabić na otvaranju radnog prostora za putnike na Aerodromu Niko- la Tesla . Prostor na aerodromu, gde će putnici imati prostor za rad, efikasan internet i gde će dobiti informacije o habovima u Srbiji, kreirali su mladi srpski umetnici i dizajneri okupljeni oko platforme Serbia creates , koju je osmislio Savet za kreativne industrije , na inicijativu premijerke Ane Brnabić. Predsednica Vlade je rekla da joj je važno da se Srbija pokaže u drugačijem svetlu jer poseduje ogroman potencijal kao zemlja inovativnih, kreativnih ljudi koji mogu mnogo toga da pruže svetu. – Razmišljala sam kako taj potencijal možemo da predsta- vimo svetu i uz podršku Saveta za kreativne industrije , koji je nesebično delio svoje znanje i iskustvo, svoju međunarodnu povezanost, stvorili smo brend Srbije kao zemlje koja stvara. Premijerka je istakla da su kreativne industrije, uz IT sek- tor, jedan od najbrže rastućih sektora i delatnosti koji zapošljava 115.000 ljudi između 25 i 45 godina starosti i istakla da postoji snažno partnerstvo sa Aerodromom Nikola Tesla i Er Srbijom . – Sada sa Er Srbijom imamo brendiran jedan od aviona na letu za Njujork i ponovo pokazujemo celom svetu šta je to što Srbija ima da ponudi – rekla je Brnabićeva. Ona je za ovu godinu najavila niz aktivnosti koje će Srbi- ju predstaviti drugačije, pa će 21. septembra biti organizovana retrospektivna izložba Marine Abramovič, dok će se 23. maja u Beogradu na događaju World Minds okupiti svetski umovi kako bi pokazali najnovije inovacije. Takođe, u saradnji sa Na- rodnim pozorištem biće otvorena radionica na Dorćolu name- njena mladim, neafirmisanim umetnicima, a predstavljen je i coworking i coliving sektor u Srbiji, koji beleži godišnji prihod od tri miliona evra.

S erbia isn’t a country of cheap labour, but rather of intelligent, crea- tive people; a country that will, I’m certain, be one of the winners of the fourth industrial revolution and a country that will take a stride forward,” said Prime Minister Ana Brnabić speaking at the opening of the work area for travellers at Nikola Tesla Airport, which was conceived by the national platform Serbia Creates. The area allocated at the airport, where travellers will have space to work and an ecient internet connection, but will also receive information about hubs in Serbia, was created by young Serbian artists and designers gathered around the platform Serbia Creates, which was itself created by the Creative Industries Council, at the initiative of PM Brnabić. The Prime Minister herself said that it is important for Serbia to show itself in a dier- ent light, as it possesses enormous potential, given that we’re a country of innovative, creative people who can oer a lot to the world. “I was considering how we can present this potential to the world, and with the support of the Creative Industries Council, which has unselsh- ly shared its knowledge and experience, and its international connection, we created the brand of Serbia as a country that creates,” said PM Brnabić. She noted that the creative industries, along with the IT sector, are among the fastest growing sectors and activities, employing 115,000 people aged between 25 and 45, and also stressed that a great partnership exists be- tween Nikola Tesla Airport and Air Serbia, given that the airport is the rst place many people see when they arrive in Serbia. “Now with Air Serbia, we have a branded plane, on a ight to New York, and we’re again showing the entire world what Serbia has to oer,”said Brnabić. She announced a series of activities for this year that will present Ser- bia in a dierent light, so on 21 st September a retrospective exhibition of Marina Abramović will be organised, while on 23 rd May the ‘World Minds’ event will bring great minds to Belgrade to show their latest innovations. Likewise, in cooperation with the National Theatre, a workshop will open in the Dorćol neighbourhood that will serve young, emerging artists, whilst al- so to be presented is the co-working and co-living sector in Serbia, which is generating annual revenue of three million euros.

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