Č esto se među verujućim svetom može čuti da je Uskrs praznik nad prazni- cima, da se nijedan drugi hrišćanski praznik, ma kako veliki i značajan, ne može porediti s Uskrsom. U našem vremenu to ushićenje može delovati ro- mantičarski preuveličano, ali kada se setimo da suština Uskrsa počiva na činjenici trijumfa života nad smrću, odnosno onog ključnog obećanja koje je istorijski Hrist dao (i ispunio) svojim sledbenicima, onda današnja vesela priča sa šarenim jajima i čokoladnim zečevima dobije potpuno drugačiju dimenziju. Uskrs postaje posebno zanimljiv kada sagledamo njegovu važnost u prošlosti Srbije ili da budemo sasvim precizni – u prošlosti srpskih zemalja u srednjem veku. I t can often be heard among believers that Easter is the holiday of holidays, that no other Christian holiday – no matter how major and signicant – can compare with Easter. In our times, such jubilation can seem like romantic over exaggeration, but when we recall that the essence of Easter relies on the fact of the triumph of life over death, or the key promise that the historical Christ gave (and fullled) to his followers, then today’s happy story of painted eggs and chocolate rabbits gains a completely dierent dimension. Easter becomes particularly interesting when we look at its importance to Serbia’s past or, to be completely precise, the past of the Serbian lands of the Middle Ages.
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