Ako krenete malo niže od Monmartra, nailazite na Mulen ruž , najpoznatiji noćni klub na svetu, ukrašen slikama Tuluza Lotreka If you head to just below Montmarte, you will come across the Moulin Rouge, the world’s most famous night club, which is decorated with paintings by Toulouse-Lautrec
tri godine kasnije za nju napisao Že- lim . Zaz je u međuvremenu pevala i sa grupom Svit er , imala uspeha na prestižnom muzičkom takmičenju, držala koncerte u Rusiji i Egiptu, da bi se ponovo vratila boemskom ži- votu Monmartra. Najlakše se, izgle- da, udiše vazduh sa visina Pariza. Autentičnu potrebu za slobo- dom mogao je da zadovolji samo njen deo Pariza, ali su je u svojim redovima želeli kompanija Karam- ba i izdavač Soni ATV, kao i publika širom sveta, od Montreala do Beo- grada. U srpskoj prestonici održala je koncert 2012, godinu dana posle nastupa na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđa- vi u Novom Sadu. Pevala je na Ka- lemegdanu. Ćerka profesorke španskog je- zika i radnika u elektroenergetskoj kompaniji snimila je 2013. drugi al- bum Recto-vers . Objavila je nekoliko singlova, a onda je 2018. pesmom Su- tra, to si ti (Demain c’est toi), koju je posvetila budućem detetu, najavila Efekat ogledala (Eet miroir), album koji je miks najrazličitijih žanrova. Velika serija koncerata počela je 14. marta ove godine u francuskom gradu Le Gran Keviji, nastaviće se u Americi, Španiji, Japanu, Češkoj, a završiti 8. septembra u Berlinu. A da li će se nova Edit Pjaf ponovo vra- titi na Monmartr? Sigurno, jer vrata pariske boemske četvrti nikada nije ni zatvorila.
they didn’t collaborate at the time, it was three years later that this French songwriter wrote‘JeVeux’for her. In the meantime, Zaz also sang with the group “Sweet Air”, en- joyed success in a prestigious music com- petition, and held concerts in Russia and Egypt, only to eventually return to the bo- hemian life of Montmartre. She seemingly breathes easiest from the heights of Paris. Her authentic need for freedom could only be satised by her part of Paris, but wanting her among their ranks were com- pany Caramba and publisher Sony ATV, as well as audiences around the world, from Montreal to Belgrade. She held a concert in the Serbian capital in 2012, a year after her performance at Novi Sad’s Petrovara- din Fortress. She sang at Belgrade’s Kale- megdan Fortress. This daughter of a professor of Span- ish and an electric power company worker recorded her second album, “Recto-vers”, in 2013. She released several singles and then, in 2018, she released the song “De- main c’est toi” [Tomorrow It’s You], which she dedicated to her future child, and announced her upcoming album “Eet miroir” [Mirror Eect], which is a mix of the most diverse genres. She began a major concert tour on 14 th March in the French commune of Le Grand-Quevilly that will continue in Amer- ica, Spain, Japan and Czechia, culminat- ing in Berlin on 8 th September. And will the new Édith Piaf return to Montmartre? Certainly, because the doors of Paris’s bo- hemian quarter have never closed ...
world’s most famous cabaret and night club, which is decorated with paintings by Tou- louse-Lautrec. And when the hundredth anniversary of this cabaret club was cel- ebrated in 1989, it hosted a performance by Ella Fitzgerald, a singer who did a lot for Zaz as an inspiration and role model. She shared her talent with the world at the Place du Tertre, a square that’s at an elevation of 130 metres above sea level and mostly brings togethers painters who have to share a precisely dened space. And that division is indeed a matter of ar- tistic prestige. Her authentic musical background, with the fact that her songs illustrate her life, turned her into a star. And she could not have imagined a better start than the song “Je Veux” [I Want], brought to screens with a video shot on the streets of Paris, from her debut album“Zaz”. The debut al- bum released nine days after her 30 th birth- day (on 10 th May 2010) went gold in terms of copies sold. Prior to her successful start, she sang in numerous bands: Fifty Fingers, in jazz quartets, and in the Latin-rock group “Don Diego”, whose members gave her her nickname. When signing the contract, she wrote only “Z”, which was transformed in- stantaneously into Zaz. With her new name, she performed at a cabaret in the Saint- Michel neighbourhood, only to later turn to the charming Montmartre. An important year in her career was 2007, when she responded to an internet advertisement of singer/songwriter and composer Kerredine Soltani. Although
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