Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
KOPILOT Slobodan Zogović Co-pilot
iloti su i jedan i drugi, ali razlika je pre svega u iskustvu. Kapetan se ne postaje preko noći, kopilot, tj. prvi oficir mora da prođe određeni put u karijeri, da odlično upo-
oth are pilots, but the difference is primarily in experience. One doesn’t become a captain overnight – a co-pilot, i.e. first officer, must complete a specific career path, be extremely familiar with aviation generally, as well as the type of planes they fly, and must have acquired the necessary knowhow. This knowledge is not only theoretical – it is acquired through experience in aviation and, apart from handling the plane, also implies excellent familiarity with weather conditions, aircraft performance, airports and their specificities and communication with flight control, and it is crucial to know when it is necessary to make important decisions. The title of co-pilot is acquired just like the title of pilot. Testing and selection is carried out immediately after young pilots start flying with an airline, then they are schooled for the title of co-pilot, i.e. first officer on a certain type of aircraft, with the aim of that officer one day becoming a captain. The time required for this depends on the aircraft for which they are trained, the needs of the airline and the pilots themselves. On small planes in so-called general aviation, a minimum of two to four years of experience is required, i.e. about 2,000 hours of flight time, while on larger planes a minimum of five years, or around 4,000 hours of flight time, is required, and already represents sufficient experience to be able to make the right decisions. As for the division of duties on an actual flight, there is a further division between the pilot flying (PF) and the pilot monitoring (PM). The PF is the one who manages the plane’s commands and is completely focused on that, while the PM is the one who executes the PF’s commands, checks them, monitors the flight parameters and aircraft systems, communicates with flight control and the rest of the crew, maintains flight records etc. In general, the PF flies and the PM does everything else. Who holds the PF position on a flight depends on the specificities of that flight and the co-pilot’s experience. If, for example, bad weather or low visibility is expected at the destination, the captain is likely to do the flying, but if good conditions are expected for the return leg, the plane will be in the hands of the co-pilot. Both the captain and the co-pilot can perform both functions, though the captain has ultimate responsibility for the flight.
zna avijaciju generalno, kao i tip aviona koji leti i stekne potreb- no znanje. To znanje nije samo teorijsko, ono se stiče iskustvom u avio-saobraćaju, a to osim samog upravljanja avionom, podrazu- meva i odlično poznavanje vremenskih uslova, performansi avio- na, aerodroma sa svojim specifičnostima, komunikacije s kontro- lom letenja, a presudno je kada je potrebno doneti bitne odluke. Zvanje kopilota se stiče kao i zvanje kapetana. Pri samom prijemu mladih pilota u avio-kompaniju vrši se testiranje i se- lekcija, oni se potom školuju za zvanje kopilota, tj. prvog oficira (First Officer) na određenom tipu aviona, a sa ciljem da jednog dana postanu kapetani. Vreme koje treba da prođe zavisi od avi- ona za koji se obučavaju, potreba kompanije, kao i od samog pi- lota. Na malim avionima u tzv. generalnoj avijaciji, minimum je dve do četiri godine iskustva, tj. oko 2.000 sati naleta, dok je na većim avionima u saobraćaju potrebno minimum oko pet godi- na ili oko 4.000 sati naleta, što je već dovoljno iskustvo da bi se mogle donositi ispravne odluke. Što se tiče podele posla na samom letu, dalja podela je na pi- lot flying (PF) i pilot monitoring (PM). PF je taj koji upravlja ko- madama aviona i maksimalno je fokusiran na to, dok je PM onaj koji izvršava komande PF-a, proverava ga, prati sve parametre le- ta i sistema aviona, obavlja komunikaciju s kontrolom leta i ostat- kom posade, vodi dnevnik leta itd. Generalno gledano, PF leti, a PM radi sve ostalo. Ko će na letu biti na poziciji PF, zavisi od spe- cifičnosti tog leta i iskustva kopilota. Ako se, na primer, na desti- naciji očekuje loše vreme, ili slaba vidljivost, taj let će verovatno leteti kapetan, ali ako se u povratku očekuju dobri uslovi, avion će biti u rukama kopilota. I kapetan i kopilot mogu obavljati obe funkcije, s tim što kapetan ima ultimativnu odgovornost za let.
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