Elevate December 2017 | Air Serbia

AKO JE ZIMA, NIJE LAV Dolazi zima, noć je duga i puna uža- sa, za Džordža R. R. Martina i junake nje- gove Igre prestola . Za Virdžiniju Vulf me- lanholija je zvuk zimske noći, a za Vilijama Blejka vreme za uživanje. Mudri Kami je „u dubini zime napokon shvatio da se u njemu krije nepobedivo leto“… Mnogi su veliki ljudi mislili i pisa- li o zimi, ali mi koji smo odrasli u Srbi- ji najviše verujemo Čika Jovi Zmaju. A on nam je lepo rekao: „Zima, zima, e pa šta je, ako je zima nije lav, zima, zima, pa neka je, ne boji se ko je zdrav!“ I za- to se tog lava mi ne plašimo. Treba sa- mo da uživamo u zimskim čarolijama. Bilo da zimu posmatramo kroz prozore kao umetničko delo prirode umotani u ćebence uz šolju toplog čaja, bilo da sa decom srećni vrištimo dok se spuštamo sankama niz neko zaleđeno brdašce... Ili, vi malo življeg duha, koji osvajate bele planine na skijama ili bordovima, vi ko- ji se ne plašite divljih i samotnih zale- đenih vrhova... Želimo vam snežnu, ve- selu zimu i da budete zdravi!



Winter is coming and the night is dark and full of terrors, for George R. R. Martin and the characters of his Game of Thrones. For Virgin- ia Woolf melancholy is the sound on a winter’s night, while for William Blake it is a time for en- joyment. The wise Camus noted “in the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer” ... Many great people have considered and writ- ten about winter, but those of us who grew up in Serbia believe our uncle Jovan“Jova”Jovanović, aka Zmaj, the most. And he told us nicely while we were still children: ‘Winter, winter, well, so what, if it’s winter it’s not a lion; winter, winter, let it be, it is not feared by one who is healthy!’ And that’s why we’re not afraid of that lion. All we have to do is to enjoy the wintry magic. Wheth- er we view winter through windows like a natu- ral work of art, wrapped in blankets with a cup of warm tea; whether we scream happily with children while sliding down some frozen hills on sledges... Or, for those of you with a slight- ly livelier spirit, who conquer white mountains on skis or snowboards, those of you who don’t fear wild and solitary icy peaks... We wish you a snowy, joyful winter, and for you to be healthy!

Fotografija / Photography Getty/Jeff Vanuga

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