Tekst / Words: Jelena P. Pantović Fotografije / Photography: iStock, Profimedia.rs se sve odvija pod teškom senkom nezapamćenih skandala Dijamantska godišnjica obeležava se 7. januara u velikom stilu, novinari su spremni da nagrade najbolja filmska i TV ostvarenja 2017. godine, ali Z a filmofile, filmske stva- raoce i sve one koji imaju veze s kinematografijom ili je samo obožavaju, ja- nuar je vreme kada počinju trema, iščekivanje i nada. Vreme kada se Zlatnim globusima , koje udruže- nje stranih novinara dodeljuje u Holivudu od 1943. godine, otva- ra sezona dodele nagrada u sve- tu filma. Ovog 7. januara, Globusi će se deliti 75. put, pa se Holivud već sprema za spektakl. Ipak, go- dinu za nama obeležilo je u film- skoj industriji nešto što nije ima- lo veze sa filmom. Nezapamćeni skandali, razotkrivanje produce- nata i glumaca, optužbe, odbaci- vanja, ukidanje projekata... Grozna slika Holivuda, pa će i dodela Glo- busa neminovno biti pomračena tom senkom. Ipak, ne slavi se tako velika go- dišnjica baš svaki dan, pa se ipak treba vratiti umetnosti. Ovo je pra- vo vreme da se pogleda unazad, kroz boje i crno-bele slike, preko lica nagrađenih velikana... Otkad ga je 1943. osnovala mala grupa stranih novinara koji su želeli bolji pristup Holivudu, Udruženja stra- nih novinara u Holivudu (HFPA) napredovalo je i postalo institucija iza jedne od najglamuroznijih sve- čanosti u SAD. Danas broji oko 90 članova, od kojih su neki novinari poznatih redakcija, dok drugi sara- đuju s malo poznatim publikacija- ma. U udruženju su tako nekadaš- nji ruski bodibilder koji je postao glumac, bivša mis sveta iz Južne Afrike i bivši egipatski inženjer. Zlatni globus pomaže da se pa- žnja usmeri na neke filmove koji bi možda promakli pažnji Američ- ke akademije filmskih umetnosti, koja dodeljuje Oskare . Novinari su skloni da nagrađuju zvezde, pa se njihove procene razlikuju od proce- na kritičara i ljudi iz struke. Osim
The Golden Globe’s diamond anniversary, to be commemorated in grand style on 7 th January, sees journalists ready to award the best film and TV creations of 2017, but everything takes place under the heavy shadow of unprecedented scandals F or film lovers, filmmakers and all those who have anything to do with cinematography or simply adore it, January is the time when jitters, expectancy and hope emerge. This is the time when the Golden Globes, which the association of foreign journalists have awarded in Hollywood since 1943, opens the awards season in the film world. On 7 th January, the Globes will be awarded for the 75 th time, so Hollywood is already prepar- ing for the spectacle. Still, the year behind us saw the film industry marked by some- thing that has nothing to do with film. Un- precedented scandals, the unravelling of producers and actors, accusations, rejec- tions, the cancelling of projects etc. A hor- rible picture of Hollywood, such that the awarding of the Globes will inevitably be darkened by its shadow. Nevertheless, such a major anniver- sary is not celebrated every day, so there should be a return to art. This is the right time to look back, through technicolour and black and white images, through the faces of award-winning greats... Since it was founded in 1943 by a small group of foreign journalists seeking better access to Hollywood, the Association of Foreign Journalists in Hollywood (HFPA) has grown and become the institution behind one of the most glamorous award ceremonies in the United States. Today it numbers around 90 members, including journalists from fa- mous publications, with others contributing to lesser-known media. Thus, the associa- tion includes a former Russian bodybuilder who became an actor, a former Miss World beauty queen from South Africa and a for- mer Egyptian engineer. The Golden Globes help focus atten- tion on films that might be missed by evalu- ators of the American Academy of Film Arts, which awards the Oscars. Journalists tend to award stars, so their assessments differ from those of critics and industry profes- sionals. Apart from that, the Globe also dif- fers from its older brother, Oscar, in that the award ceremony is actually a relaxed par- ty. The biggest stars of film and TV sit at ta-
Meril Strip je nominovana čak 30 puta, ali ipak ne drži rekord po broju osvojenih nagrada. Ta čast pripada Barbri Strajsend, koja ima devet statuica. Najviše nominacija među glumcima ima legendarni Džek Lemon. Uključujući onu za životno delo – 23 Meryl Streep has been nominated as many as 30 times, but still doesn’t hold the record for the most awards won. That honour belongs to Barbra Streisand, who has nine statuettes. With the most nominations among actors is the legendary Jack Lemon, with 23, including one for his lifetime achievement award
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