dizajn / design
ali uvek toplo drvo sa nekim hladnim materijalom kao što su metal ili staklo. – Ne sme da bude pretoplo jer će kuća onda ličiti na brvnaru, ali ne sme da bude ni hladno da ne biste imali utisak da živite u fabrici. Sve je u pravoj meri i kombinaciji. Mo- žeš da imaš moderni, minimalistički stan i da staviš samo jednu puknutu gredu kao detalj. Ali ne treba da sta- viš šest takvih greda. Takođe, nema dva ista komada, pa kad mi traže tri drvena ogledala, da budu identična, ja kažem da nema ništa od toga. Ko razume drvo, razume, ko ne razume, nek proba s plastikom. Zaljubljen je u drvo, baš zato što je živo, što nas vuče da se vratimo u neki iskonski dom u svojim dušama. Stranci to za sada razumeju bolje ne- go ljudi u Srbiji. Njima ne smeta kad drvo nije savršeno i kad je autentično, oni baš to žele. – Drvo u prostor donosi život. Po- gledajte oko sebe ljude koji razgledaju naš nameštaj. Primećujete li kako svi pipaju i maze drvo, ljudima fali taj do- dir sa prirodom. To je kao kad te voda zove da je pipneš, u nama je taj poriv da se vratimo. Osim toga, Rok kaže da je lični od- nos sa delovima nameštaja koje ćete unesti u stan jedan od savremenih tren- dova. Na početku, lični odnos koji ima- te sa njim i Srđanom jer najčešće dola- ze u kuću da posavetuju svoje buduće klijente, a onda predložu kupcima da u sto koji će samo za njih napraviti ugra- de kamen koji su doneli nekada dav- no ili grede koje stoje na tavanu sta- re porodične kuće. To onda prestaje da bude sto, prestaje da bude komo- da, to postaje uspomena i deo istorije. – Trendovi u dizajnu ostaju na si- rovom, teškom materijalu, minimali- zam izlazi iz mode i drago mi je zbog toga. Ljudi žele da se utople i napune, dosta je bilo hladnog, svedenog, pra- znog prostora. Trendovi još dolaze iz Amerike, a Amerika se vraća prirod- nim, sirovim materijalima i prodaji na ličnoj bazi. Hard stuff nastavlja da širi posao u Ljubljani, jer Rok i sada živi između Beograda i slovenačke prestonice, u kojoj je zbog posla ostala njegova su- pruga. On nije završio dizajn, ne zna da crta, kad pogledate njegove kreaci- je u svesci izgleda kao da ih je crtalo dete. Ali njegov je talenat beskrajan, a energija neiscrpna. Može da radi od se- dam ujutro do ponoći svakog radnog dana i može da voli ono što radi. A to je sve što treba za ostvarenje sna.
cool material like metal or glass.
- It shouldn’t be too warm, because the house will then look like a shack, but it shouldn’t offer coldness either, so you don’t have the impression that you’re liv- ing in a factory. Everything is in the right measure and combination. You can have a modern, minimalist flat and just add one cracked beam as a detail. But you shouldn’t install six of those beams. Moreover, no two pieces are the same, so when I’m asked to make three wooden mirrors that are identical, I turn the request down. Who understands wood understands, who doesn’t understand should try with plastic. He is in love with wood, precisely be- cause it is alive, because it forces us to re- turn to some primeval home in our souls. For now, foreigners understand that bet- ter than people in Serbia. They don’t mind when the wood is not perfect and it’s au- thentic – that’s just what they want. - Wood brings life to a space. Look around you at the people checking out our furniture. Can you notice how every- body touches and strokes the wood? Peo- ple lack that touch with nature. That’s like when water calls you to touch it; within us is an urge to go back. Apart from that, Rok says that form- ing a personal relationship with the furni- ture you bring into your home is among the modern trends. Initially, the person- al relationship you have is with him and Srđan, because they often come to the home to advise their future clients. And then they suggests to clients to make a table only for them, incorporating a rock they brought from somewhere long ago, or beams that stand in the loft of an old family house. The work then ceases to be a table, ceases to be a piece, and becomes a keepsake and a part of history. - Trends in design remain focused on raw, heavy material; minimalism is going out of fashion and I’m glad about that. Peo- ple want to fill themselves with warmth, there’s been enough cold, minimalist, emp- ty spaces. Trends still come from America, and America is returning to natural, raw materials and sales on a personal basis. Hard Stuff continues to expand his business in Ljubljana, because Rok now lives between Belgrade and the Sloveni- an capital, where his wife remained due to work commitments. He didn’t graduate in design and doesn’t know how to sketch – when you see his creations in his notebook they appear as though drawn by a child. But his talent is endless, and his energy is inexhaustible and addictive. He can work from seven in the morning to midnight every working day, and loves what he does. And that’s all it takes to realise a dream.
Ljudi žele da se utople i napune, dosta je bilo hladnog, svedenog, praznog prostora
People want to fill themselves
with warmth, there’s been enough cold, minimalist, empty spaces
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