Elevate December 2017 | Air Serbia



Kada bih morao da opišem hranu koju spremam, rekao bih da je odvažna, sveža, čista i poznata. To što je hrana zdrava ne znači da joj na bilo koji način nedostaje ukusa

To describe my food, I would call it bold, fresh, clean and familiar. Just because the food is healthy does not mean it must lack in flavour

Č ad Sarno nije samo kuvar. On je umetnik ko- ji kreira ukuse, velnes i eko-ratnik, čovek koji stvara čaroliju veganskih jela. U čijoj kuhinji voće i povrće dobija gurmanski šmek. Autor je bestselera Crazy Sexy Kitchen , vlasnik kulinarske škole koja broji više od 400 učenika, postavio je meni za restorane od Njujorka i Londona do Istanbula. Put ga je doveo do Beograda, gde je s prijateljima iz resto- rana Mandela kreirao jedinstveni meni baziran na ve- ganskim i vegetarijanskim jelima s namirnicama iz lo- kalnog uzgoja, uglavnom organskog. Bila je to odlična prilika da ga pitamo zašto zeleno… Za početak, čestitam na izuzetnom jelovniku koji ste kreirali, još pamtim svaki zalogaj, a čak i ni- sam vegan. Gde leži izvor vaše strasti za vegan- sku (sirovu) biljnu hranu? – Jedna od prekretnica u mom životu bila je kada sam odlučio da uklonim mlečne proizvode iz svoje ishra- ne jer sam od ranog detiljstva patio od astme. Elimini- sanjem mlečnih proizvoda i obrađenih namirnica u ra- nim godinama uspeo sam da se oslobodim te bolesti i prestao da se oslanjam na inhalatore. To iskustvo je značajno uticalo da razvijem strast za kulinarski velnes i biljnu hranu. Ne samo da mi je otvorilo oči i ukaza- lo na moc hrane vec me inspirisalo da zakoračim u ne- istraženi svet biljaka i kulinarske umetnosti zasnovane na njima. Jasno je kao dan da postoji jaka veza između hrane koju konzumiramo i zdravlja.

C had Sarno isn’t just a chef. He is an artist who creates fla- vours, wellnes and eco-warrior; a man who creates the magic of vegan dishes, in whose kitchen fruit and vege- tables gain a gourmet touch. Author of the best-selling ’Crazy Sexy Kitchen’, the owner of a culinary school with more than 400 pupils, he has devised menus for restaurants from New York and London to Istanbul. His journeys brought him to Belgrade, where he and his friends from the Mandala Restaurant have created a unique menu based on vegan and vegetarian dishes using local, mostly or- ganic, ingredients. This provided us with a great opportunity to ask him why green... First, congratulations on an extraordinary menu. I still recall those delicious flavours, even though I’m not vegan. What is the origin of your passion for the vegan/raw/plant-based diet?​ - One of the turning points in my life was when I decided to re- move dairy from my diet, due to being stricken with asthma through- out my childhood. By eliminating dairy products and highly pro- cessed foods from my diet at an early age, I was able to free myself from the reliance on inhalers and other asthma treatments. This ex- perience would lead to really developing my passion for the work I currently do around culinary wellness and plant-based food. This experience not only opened my eyes to the power of food, but al- so sparked my inspiration to dive deeper into plant-based culinary arts. The connection between the foods we consume and health was as clear as day. Please try to describe the tastes of your vegan cuisine to some- one who hasn’t had a chance to try it? - My focus when creating dishes is on presenting the diner with

Tekst / Words: Branka Gajić Fotografije / Photography: David Rice

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